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Thomas Wyatt b. 1503 d. 10 October 1542

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Lineage Wyatt
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Thomas Wyatt

Henry Wyatt [Wyatt] b. 1460 d. 10 March 1537

Anne Skinner [Skinner] b. 1475 d. 1503

Wiki-page wikipedia:Thomas_Wyatt_%28poet%29


1503 birth: Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle

1521 child birth: Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle, w Thomas Wyatt [Wyatt] b. 1521 d. 11 April 1554

10 October 1542 death: Sherborne, Dorset (England)


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Richard Wyatt
birth: 1435, Mexborough, Yorkshire (England), South Haigh
death: 1475, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
Margaret Bailiffe
birth: 1438, England, Sothenge, Yorkshire
death: 1526, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
John Skinner
birth: 1446, Peckham (London), Surrey (England)
death: 8 March 1516, Reigate, Surrey (England)
Joane Caldecote
birth: 1448, Reigate, Surrey (England)
death: 1470, England
Henry Wyatt
birth: 1460, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
death: 10 March 1537, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
Anne Skinner
birth: 1475, Reigate, Surrey (England)
death: 1503, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
== 3 ==
Elizabeth Brooke
birth: 1503, Cobham (Kent), England
death: August 1560, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
burial: London, Tower of London
Thomas Wyatt
birth: 1503, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
death: 10 October 1542, Sherborne, Dorset (England)
== 3 ==
Jane Hawte
birth: 1522, Allington (Kent), England
death: 1600, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
Thomas Wyatt
birth: 1521, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
death: 11 April 1554, London, England, London Tower
George Wyatt
birth: 1550, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
death: 16 September 1623, Boxley Abbey, Kent

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