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Louis de Chalon d. 1322

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Lineage Chalon-Arlay
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Louis de Chalon

w Hugues Ier de Chalon-Arlay [Chalon-Arlay] b. 1288 d. 4 December 1322

Béatrix de La Tour du Pin [La Tour du Pin] b. 1275 d. 10 June 1347


1322 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Jean Ier de Chalon-Auxerre
birth: 1243
title: Seigneur de Châtelbelin
property: Seigneur de Rochefort
title: comte d'Auxerre
marriage: Alix de Nevers
marriage: Isabelle de Lorraine
death: 10 November 1309, Auxerre (89)
Hugues de Chalon
birth: about 1220
marriage: Adélaïde Ire d'Andechs et de Méranie (de Bourgogne)
title: from 1248 - 1266, Comte de Bourgogne
title: from 1263 - 1266, сеньор Салена
death: 1266
Agnès de Chalon
birth: about 1265
marriage: w Amédée II de Genève
birth: after 18 October 1350
title: Comtesse de Genève
Jean de Salins
property: Seigneur de Marigna
death: between 1258 and 2 January 1260
Robert de Salins
death: after 2 October 1250
Marguerite de Salins
birth: between 1259 and 11 September 1263
marriage: Hugues de Montréal
death: 1328
Hugues "le Sourd" de Salins
occupation: 12 December 1295, Eveque de Liège
occupation: 11 December 1301, Archeveque de Besançon
death: 23 June 1312
Pierre "le Bouvier" de Salins
property: Seigneur de Châtelbelin
marriage: Beatrice de Savoie
death: between 21 July 1272 and 29 April 1274
Alix de Clermont
title: Vicomtesse de Châteaudun
property: dame de Mondoubleau
property: dame de Dunois
marriage: w Jean Ier de Chalon-Arlay
marriage: Guillaume de Flandre
Robert de Bourgogne (Robert II)
birth: 1248
title: from 30 October 1272 - 12 March 1306, Villaines-en-Duesmois (21), Duc de Bourgogne et Roi titulaire de Thessalonique
marriage: w Agnes of France
death: 21 March 1306
Odo van Bourgondie
birth: 1231
title: 1231, Prince de Bourgogne
marriage: Mathilde II von Bourbon
title: 1254, Comte de Nevers, d'Auxerre et de Tonnerre
death: 4 August 1266, Akko
Jean Bourgogne (van Bourgondië)
birth: 1231, Dijon, France
marriage: Agnes van Bourbon
death: 29 September 1268, Moulins (Allier)
Adelheid van Bourgondië
birth: 1233
title: 21 July 1251, Leuven
marriage: Heinrich III von Brabant
death: 1273, Leuven
Isabelle de Bourgogne
birth: 1270
title: 1284, Reine des Romains et Duchesse d'Autriche, de Styrie, de Carinthie et de Carniole
marriage: Rudolph I Habsburg
death: 1323
Béatrice de Bourgogne
birth: 1260
death: 1328
Marie de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1220
title: Dame de Varey en Bugey, et de Coligny
marriage: Rodolphe de Genève
Béatrix de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1230
title: Dame de Versieu
marriage: Guillaume de Roussillon
death: 18 May 1306, Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez (42)
Alix de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1230
death: about 1260
Humbert Ier de La Tour du Pin (de Viennois)
birth: about 1240
title: барон де ля Тур-дю-Пин
title: from 1273 - 12 April 1307, дофин Вьеннский
marriage: Anne de Bourgogne
death: 12 April 1307
Jean de Chalon
birth: 1300
caste: Pair de France
occupation: 1328, Eveque de Langres
death: 22 June 1334
Guigues de La Tour du Pin
birth: 1280
marriage: Beatrix von Ungarn
title: from 1306 - 1318, дофин Вьеннский
death: 5 March 1319
Catherine de La Tour du Pin
title: Принцесса де Ла Тур дю Пэн
marriage: w Philip I.(Filippo) of Savoy (of Piedmont)
title: from 7 May 1312 - 13 September 1334, Княгиня Пьемонта
death: 9 December 1337
== 3 ==
Hugues de Chalon
property: Seigneur de La Rivière
death: 1340
burial: Mont-Sainte-Marie
Jacques de Chalon
property: Seigneur de Vitteaux
Louis de Chalon
death: 1322
== 3 ==

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