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Hendrik I van Limburg b. about 1059 d. about 1119

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Lineage Limburg
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Hendrik I van Limburg

w Walram I van Limburg [Limburg] b. estimated 1030 d. about 1082

Jutta von Niederlothringen [Wigeriche-Luxembourg] b. estimated 1050

Wiki-page wikipedia:nl:Hendrik I van Limburg


about 1059 birth:

child birth: Agnès de Limbourg (Putelendorf) [Limbourg] d. 1129

title: comte de Limbourg

title: comte d'Arlon

title: duc de Basse-Lotharingie

title: comte de Jutte

marriage: Adelheid van Bottenstein [Bottenstein] b. 1061 d. 13 August 1106

about 1085 child birth: w Walram II van Limburg [Limburg] b. about 1085 d. 16 July 1139

1088 child birth: Irmgard van Limburg [Limburg] b. 1088

1090 child birth: Adelheid van Limburg [Limburg] b. 1090 d. before 1146

1095 child birth: Mathilda de Limbourg [Limbourg] b. 1095

about 1119 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Friedrich II de Bar (of Upper Lotheringen)
birth: 986
title: comte de Bar
title: duc de Haute-Lotharingie
marriage: Mathilde of Swabia
death: between 13 May 1026 and 1027, datum is 13 mei
Gisèle de Luxembourg
birth: estimated 1005
marriage: Radulf van Gent
death: after 1058
Giselbert von Luxemburg
birth: 1007
title: from 1036 - 14 August 1059, Граф Зальм, 1-й
title: from 1036 - 14 August 1059, Граф де Лонгви
title: from 14 October 1047 - 14 August 1059, Граф Люксембург, 4-й
death: 14 August 1059
Ermengarde ou Ermentrude de Luxembourg
birth: estimated 990
marriage: Вельф II
death: after 1057, ou 1055
burial: Altomünster, abbaye d'Altomünster
Cunigunde Ogiva of Luxembourge
birth: 986
marriage: Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders)
title: 1012, Comtesse de Flandre
death: 21 February 1030, Ghent (Belgium), Flanders
Heinrich II von Luxemburg
birth: about 1005
death: 14 October 1047
Adalbero III von Luxemburg
birth: about 1010
title: 1047, Bischof von Metz
death: 13 November 1072
Ida Billung (van La Roche)
birth: estimated 1035
marriage: w Friedrich II von Luxemburg
marriage: Albert III de Namur , Священне Царство Римське
death: 31 July 1101
burial: Namur
Friedrich II von Luxemburg
birth: about 1005
title: Duc de Basse-Lotharingie
marriage: Ida Billung (van La Roche)
marriage: Gerberga van Boulogne
death: 28 August 1065
burial: Stavelot
Lambert van Boulogne
birth: estimated 1030
marriage: Adelaide (Adelis) of Normandy
death: 1054, Phalempin
Eustace II de Boulogne
birth: about 1020
title: comte de Boulogne
title: comte de Lens
marriage: w Ida von Lothringen
death: about 1085
Gerberga van Boulogne
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: Friedrich II von Luxemburg
death: before November 1049
burial: Stavelot
Foulques d'Arlon
title: Comte d'Arlon
death: 1078
Walram I van Limburg
birth: estimated 1030
marriage: Jutta von Niederlothringen
title: 1052, Comte d'Arlon
title: 1065, Comte de Limbourg
death: about 1082
== 3 ==
Hendrik I van Limburg
birth: about 1059
title: comte de Limbourg
title: comte d'Arlon
title: duc de Basse-Lotharingie
title: comte de Jutte
marriage: Adelheid van Bottenstein
death: about 1119
== 3 ==
Hendrik I van La Roche
birth: estimated 1070
marriage: Mathilda de Limbourg
death: 1126
Adelheid van Limburg
birth: 1090
title: about 1115, Comtesse d'Arnsberg
marriage: Frederik van Werl-Arnsberg
title: about 1140, Comtesse de Dachau
death: before 1146
Judith von Wassenberg
birth: 1087
marriage: w Walram II van Limburg
title: 1110, Princesse de Limbourg
title: 1119, Duchesse de Limbourg et Comtesse d'Arlon
title: 1128, Duchesse de Basse-Lotharingie
death: 24 June 1151
Walram II van Limburg
birth: about 1085
marriage: Judith von Wassenberg
title: 1119, Duc de Limbourg et Comte d'Arlon
title: 1126, Duc de Basse-Lotharingie
death: 16 July 1139
Mathilde de Saffenberg
birth: 1113
marriage: w Heinrich II von Niederlothringen
title: 1136, Princesse de Limbourg
title: 16 July 1139, Duchesse de Limbourg
death: 2 January 1145
burial: Abbaye de Rolduc
Laurette d'Alsace
title: 1150, Duchesse de Limbourg et Comtesse d'Arlon
marriage: w Heinrich II von Niederlothringen
title: 1157, Comtesse de Luxembourg et de Namur
death: 1170
Heinrich II von Niederlothringen
birth: about 1110
marriage: Mathilde de Saffenberg
title: 16 July 1139, Duc de Limbourg
title: 1147, Comte d'Arlon
marriage: Laurette d'Alsace
death: 1 August 1165, Rom
burial: Rolduc
Nicolaas van Oisy
birth: 1120
title: 1147, сеньор д'Авен
marriage: Mahaut de La Roche
death: 1171
Beatrix van la Roche
birth: estimated 1120
Ruprecht I van Laurenburg
birth: about 1090
title: from 1124 - 1152, Laurenburg, со-graf van Laurenburg
marriage: Beatrix de Limbourg
death: about 1154
Beatrix de Limbourg
birth: about 1115
marriage: Ruprecht I van Laurenburg
death: after 12 July 1159
Walram de Limbourg
title: Comte d'Arlon
death: after 1145
Herman IV van Dortmund
birth: 1100
death: 1177
Berthold Ier / VI d'Henneberg
title: comte d'Henneberg
marriage: Bertha de Puttelendorf (d'Henneberg)
death: 18 October 1159, Palestine

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