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Daniil Petrovich Volkov b. about 1871

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Lineage Volkov
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Daniil Petrovich Volkov

Peter Ivanovich Volkov [Volkov]

Natalia Petrovna ? (Volkova) [?]


about 1871 birth:

education: graduated from the Kherson Teachers' Seminary

occupation: teacher of the Kherson city Zabalkovsky schoo

marriage: Natalia Andreevna Lobachevskaya (Volkova) [Lobachevsky] b. 25 August 1876

from 1900 - fact 1: singing teacher at ministerial school

1900 fact 2: Reader (liturgy)

1901 fact 3: ordained a priest

before 1906 fact 4: head and teacher of the law at the school of literacy in the village of Morozovka

1906 fact 5: priest in the village of Kukolovka, Alexandria district, Kherson province


wife and children in the family: 6, 5 and 3 years in 1906

From grandparents to grandchildren

Peter Ivanovich Volkov
caste: from the clergy
fact 1: Kherson, the psalm-reader of the Dormition Cathedral mentioned in 1876
fact 2: Kherson, Deacon of the Nikolaev Zabalkovskaya Church
fact 3: Kherson, deacon of the Assumption Cathedral
== 3 ==
Anna Petrovna Volkovа
birth: 21 January 1883, Kherson
death: 8 April 1883, Kherson
Vladimir Petrovich Volkov /the Younger/
birth: 19 July 1885, Kherson
death: 17 August 1885, Kherson
Neonila Petrovna Volkovа
birth: 20 October 1876, Kherson
fact 1: 16 November 1883, Kherson, a birth certificate was issued
Ivan Petrovich Volkov
birth: 25 July 1865, Kherson
Natalia Andreevna Lobachevskaya (Volkova)
birth: 25 August 1876, Wyssunsk, Kherson district, Kherson province
other: married in 1897
marriage: Daniil Petrovich Volkov
Daniil Petrovich Volkov
birth: about 1871
education: graduated from the Kherson Teachers' Seminary
occupation: teacher of the Kherson city Zabalkovsky schoo
marriage: Natalia Andreevna Lobachevskaya (Volkova)
fact 1: from 1900 -, singing teacher at ministerial school
fact 2: 1900, Reader (liturgy)
fact 3: 1901, ordained a priest
fact 4: before 1906, head and teacher of the law at the school of literacy in the village of Morozovka
fact 5: 1906, priest in the village of Kukolovka, Alexandria district, Kherson province
== 3 ==

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