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Matilda of Brabant (Countess of Artois) b. 1224 d. 29 September 1288

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Lineage Brabant
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Matilda of Brabant
Other last names Countess of Artois

Heinrich II. Löwen von Brabant [Brabant] b. 1207 d. 1 February 1248

Maria van Hohenstaufen [Hohenstaufen] b. 1201 d. 1235

Wiki-page wikipedia:Matilda of Brabant, Countess of Artois


1224 birth:

child birth: Jeanne de Chatillon-Saint-Paul [Châtillon]

14 June 1237 marriage: Compiègne, Robert I van Artois [Artois] b. 17 September 1216 d. 8 February 1250

14 June 1237 title: Compiègne, Comtesse d'Artois

1248 child birth: Blanche van Artois [Artois] b. 1248 d. 2 May 1302

September 1250 child birth: w Robert II von Artois [Artois] b. September 1250 d. 11 July 1302

16 January 1255 marriage: Naples, Guy II de St.Pol (van Chatillon) [Chatillon] b. 1222 d. 12 February 1289

16 January 1255 title: Naples, Comtesse de Saint-Pol

about 1257 child birth: Beatrix de Saint-Pol (de Chatillon) [Chatillon] b. about 1257 d. 1304

9 April 1258 child birth: w Hughes II Chatellon (de Blois) [Chatillon] b. 9 April 1258 d. 1307

1265 child birth: Guînes, France, Guy III st. Pol (de Chatillon) [Chatillon] b. 1265 d. 6 April 1317

1288 burial: Frévent (62), Abbaye Notre-Dame de Cercamp

29 September 1288 death: Frévent, France, Cercamp Abbey


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Willem Godfried van Leuven
birth: 1180
death: after 1224
Marie de France
birth: 1198
title: 1 August 1206, Marquise de Namur
marriage: Henry I Leuwen (Duke of Brabant)
title: 1213, Duchesse de Brabant, de Basse-Lotharingie, Marquise d'Anvers et Comtesse de Louvain
death: 15 August 1224
burial: Affligem
Henry I Leuwen (Duke of Brabant)
birth: 1165
marriage: Mathilde von Boulogne
title: 1183, Graf von Brüssel
title: 1190, Herzog von Brabant
marriage: Marie de France
death: 5 September 1235, Cologne
Ida de Boulogne (de Elzas)
birth: 1160
title: from 1173 - 1216, comtesse de Boulogne
marriage: Gerhard III von Geldern
marriage: Berchtold IV von Zähringen
marriage: w Renaud de Dammartin
death: 21 April 1216
Mathilde von Boulogne
birth: 1170
title: 1179, Löwen
marriage: Henry I Leuwen (Duke of Brabant)
title: 1183, Löwen
title: 1190, Comtesse de Louvain, Marquise d'Anvers et Duchesse de Basse-Lotharingie
death: 1210
Heinrich VI.
birth: November 1165, Nimwegen
title: 15 August 1169, Römisch-deutscher König
marriage: Constance de Hauteville (of Sicily) , Milan, Italy
title: 14 April 1191, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
title: from 20 November 1194 - 28 September 1197, König von Sizilien
death: 28 September 1197, Messina
burial: Palermo
Othon I von Hohenstaufen (de Bourgogne)
birth: about June 1170
title: from 1189 - 13 January 1200, Comte de Bourgogne
marriage: Marguerite de Blois
title: from 1196 - 1197, граф Люксембурга, 10-й
death: 13 January 1200, Besançon
Friedrich VI
birth: February 1167, Modigliana
title: from 1169 - 20 January 1191, герцог Швабии
death: 20 January 1191, Akkon
Béatrice de Hohenstaufen
birth: between 1160 and 1162
death: 1174
Frédéric V de Souabe (Staufer)
birth: 6 July 1164
title: from 1167 - 1169, duc de Souabe
death: between September 1168 and November 1169
Konrad II von Schwaben
birth: 1172
title: from 1188 - 15 August 1196, герцог Ротенбургский
marriage: Berenguela I de Castilla
title: from 1191 - 15 August 1196, герцог Швабии
annulment: Berenguela I de Castilla , Celestino III declarará inválido el matrimonio
death: 15 August 1196, Дурлах
Райнальд (Рено)
birth: about 1173
death: 1178
birth: about 1176
death: after 1178
marriage bann: w Emmerich
death: 8 October 1184
Philip Von Hohenstauffen
birth: August 1177
title: from 1190 - 1191, Bischof von Würzburg
title: 1195, Bari, Markgraf der Toskana
marriage: Irene Angelina , Bari
title: from 15 August 1196 - 21 June 1208, Duque da Suábia
title: 1198, Imperador do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico
death: 21 June 1208, Bamberg
burial: 22 June 1208, Bamberg
Teodora Angela Comnène
title: 1203, Duchesse d'Autriche et de Styrie
marriage: Leopold VI Sławny Austrijski
death: 23 June 1246, Klosterneuburg, Kahlenberg
Alexios IV Angelos
birth: about 1182
marriage: Євфимія Глібівна Руська і Київська
title: from 1203 - 1204, Emperor of Byzantium
death: 8 February 1204
Roger D'Apulia
birth: 1175
title: from January 1190 - 24 December 1193, duc d'Apulie
title: from June 1192 - 24 December 1193, roi de Sicile
marriage: Irene Angelina
death: 24 December 1193
Irene Angelina
birth: 1181, Constatinople, Byzantium
marriage: Roger D'Apulia
marriage: Philip Von Hohenstauffen , Bari
death: 27 August 1208, Göppingen, County of Württemberg, Holy Roman Empire, Hohenstaufen Castle
Maria van Brabant
birth: 1190
marriage: Otto IV, Keizer van Duitsland , Maastricht
marriage: w Wilhelm I. von Holland
death: between 9 March 1260 and 14 June 1260
Margarethe von Brabant
birth: 1192
marriage: Gerhard IV von Geldern , Leuven
title: January 1206
title: 1207, Roermond
death: 1231
Adélaïde de Brabant
birth: 1190
marriage: Arnulf van Looz
title: 1206, comte de Boulogne
title: 1216
title: 1218, Comtesse de Looz
marriage: w Guillaume d'Auvergne (Guillaume X)
title: 3 February 1225, Comtesse d'Auvergne
marriage: Arnold van Wesemaele
death: 1265
Elizabeth (Isabella) FitzHenry (van Brabant)
birth: 1215
marriage: Dietrich VI ? (of Cleves)
title: 1233, Comtesse héritière de Brabant
marriage: Gerhard IV von Limburg
death: 23 October 1272
Sophie von Thüringen
birth: 20 March 1224, Creuzburg
title: 1240, Villers
marriage: Heinrich II. Löwen von Brabant
death: 29 May 1275, Marburg
Heinrich II. Löwen von Brabant
birth: 1207
marriage: Maria van Hohenstaufen
title: 5 September 1235, Cologne, Duc de Brabant
marriage: Sophie von Thüringen
death: 1 February 1248, Leuven, Belgium
Елизавета Швабская
birth: 1202
marriage: Ferdinand III of Castile
title: 30 November 1219, Королева Кастилии
title: 1230, Королева Леона
death: 5 November 1235, Toro (Zamora)
Кунигунда Швабская
birth: January 1202
marriage: Wenceslaus I of Bohemia ? (Premyslid)
title: 1224, Princesse de Bohême
title: 1226, Reine de Bohême
death: 13 September 1248
Райнальд Швабский
death: в младенчестве
Фридрих Швабский
birth: 1206
death: в младенчестве
Беатриса Младшая Швабская
birth: August 1208
death: August 1208
Maria van Hohenstaufen
birth: 1201, Arezzo
marriage: Heinrich II. Löwen von Brabant
title: 1214, Princesse de Brabant
death: 1235, Leuven
== 3 ==
Henri de Brabant (Heinrich Ier de Hesse)
birth: 24 June 1244, Marbourg
marriage: Adelheid von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
title: 1275, Landgrave de Hesse
marriage: Mathilde of Cleves
death: 21 December 1308, Marbourg
Béatrice de Brabant
birth: 1225
marriage: Willem III van Dampierre
title: November 1247, Comtesse de Flandre et Dame de Dampierre
death: 11 November 1288
Marie de Brabant
birth: 1226
marriage: Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II) , Heidelberg
title: 2 August 1254, Heidelberg, Duchesse de Bavière et Comtesse palatine du Rhin
title: 1255, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
death: 18 January 1256, Donauworth
Heinrich III von Brabant
birth: 1231
title: 1 February 1248, Hertog van Lotharingen en Brabant
marriage: Adelheid van Bourgondië
death: 28 February 1261, Löwen
Elisabeth de Brabant
birth: 1243
marriage: Albrecht I von Braunschweig
title: 1254, Duchesse de Brunswick
death: 1261
Guy II de St.Pol (van Chatillon)
birth: 1222, Saint-Pol-sur-Mer, France
title: 9 April 1248, Saint-Pol-sur-Mer, France, comte de Saint-Pol
marriage: Matilda of Brabant (Countess of Artois) , Naples
death: 12 February 1289, Guingamp, France
Robert I van Artois
birth: 17 September 1216
title: 1237, Comte d'Artois
marriage: Matilda of Brabant (Countess of Artois) , Compiègne
death: 8 February 1250
Matilda of Brabant (Countess of Artois)
birth: 1224
marriage: Robert I van Artois , Compiègne
title: 14 June 1237, Compiègne, Comtesse d'Artois
marriage: Guy II de St.Pol (van Chatillon) , Naples
title: 16 January 1255, Naples, Comtesse de Saint-Pol
burial: 1288, Frévent (62), Abbaye Notre-Dame de Cercamp
death: 29 September 1288, Frévent, France, Cercamp Abbey
== 3 ==
Edmund Plantagenet ("Crouchback", Lancaster)
birth: 16 January 1245
title: 16 January 1265, Earl of Leicester
marriage: Aveline van Forez Aumale
marriage: Blanche van Artois
death: 5 June 1296
Heinrich I der Dicke
birth: about 1240
title: граф Шампани и Бри (Генрих III)
marriage: Blanche van Artois
title: 1270, король Наварры (как Энрике I Толстый)
death: 22 July 1274
Blanche van Artois
birth: 1248
marriage: Heinrich I der Dicke
marriage: Edmund Plantagenet ("Crouchback", Lancaster)
title: 29 October 1276, Londres, Angleterre, Comtesse de Lancastre
death: 2 May 1302
Marie Dreux (de Bretagne)
birth: 1268, Rennes, France
marriage: Guy III st. Pol (de Chatillon)
death: 5 March 1339, Arras, France
Guy III st. Pol (de Chatillon)
birth: 1265, Guînes, France
marriage: Marie Dreux (de Bretagne)
title: from 1289 - 6 April 1317, Comte de St Pol
death: 6 April 1317, Guînes, France
Hughes II Chatellon (de Blois)
birth: 9 April 1258
marriage: Béatrice de Dampierre
title: 12 February 1289, Comte de Blois, de Chatodonia et Seigneur d'Aen et de Guise
death: 1307
Amicie de Courtenay
birth: 1250
marriage: w Robert II von Artois
title: 1262, дама Конша
death: 1275
Margarete von Avesnes
marriage: w Robert II von Artois
title: 1298, Comtesse d'Artois
death: 18 October 1342
Agnes van Bourbon
birth: 1237, Bourbon, France
title: 1248, France
marriage: Jean Bourgogne (van Bourgondië)
marriage: w Robert II von Artois
title: 1277, Comtesse d'Artois
death: 1287
Robert II von Artois
birth: September 1250
title: September 1250, Graf von Artois
marriage: Amicie de Courtenay
marriage: Agnes van Bourbon
marriage: Margarete von Avesnes
death: 11 July 1302, Kortrijk, in der Sporenschlacht
Jean I de Brienne (d'Eu)
marriage: Beatrix de Saint-Pol (de Chatillon)
title: 25 August 1270, Comte d'Eu
death: 12 June 1292, Clermont (Oise), (Clermont-en-Beauvaisis)
Beatrix de Saint-Pol (de Chatillon)
birth: about 1257
marriage: Jean I de Brienne (d'Eu)
death: 1304, Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise
Guillaume IIIe de Chauvigny
birth: 1315
property: Seigneur de Châteauroux
title: Vicomte de Brosse
Philip IV of France
birth: April 1268, Fontainebleau, France
title: 1276, King of Navarre
marriage: Jeanne of Navarre
title: 16 August 1284, Vincennes (Val-de-Marne), Roi consort de Navarre
title: 5 October 1285, King of France
other: 6 January 1286, Reims, Sacre
death: 29 November 1314, Fontainebleau, France
Jeanne of Navarre
birth: 14 January 1273, Bar-sur-Seine, France
title: 22 July 1274, Condesa de Brie y Champaña.
title: 22 July 1274, Reina de Navarra.
marriage: Philip IV of France
title: 16 August 1284, Reina consorte de Francia.
title: 5 October 1285, Vincennes (Val-de-Marne), France, Chateau De Vincennes
other: 6 January 1286, Reims, Sacre
death: 2 April 1305, Vincennes (Val-de-Marne)
Charles de Valois Capet
birth: 12 March 1270
marriage: Catherine de Courtenay
title: 1285, Roi d'Aragon, titulaire
title: 1285, Alençon (61), comte d'Alençon
title: 1290, Count of Valois
title: 1290, comte du Perche
marriage: w Marguerite of Anjou and Maine , Corbeil, France
title: 16 August 1290, Empereur titulaire de Constantinople
title: 16 August 1290, Le Mans (72), comte du Maine
marriage: Matilde de Chatillon
death: 16 December 1325
burial: after 16 December 1325, Paris, Couvent des Dominicains, rue Saint-Jacques
Matilde de Chatillon
birth: 1293, Saint-Pol-sur-Mer, France
marriage: Charles de Valois Capet
death: 3 October 1358, Paris, France, Cordeliers
burial: Paris, couvent des Cordeliers
Maud Chaworth (Plantagenet)
birth: 2 August 1282
title: 1297, Countess of Lancaster
marriage: Henry Lancaster (Plantagenet)
death: 1322
Henry Lancaster (Plantagenet)
birth: 1281
title: 5 June 1296, Earl of Lancaster
marriage: Maud Chaworth (Plantagenet)
death: 22 September 1345
Blanche Dreux
birth: 1270
title: November 1281
marriage: Philip Artois
death: 19 March 1327
Philip Artois
birth: 1269
title: 1269, Graaf van Artois
marriage: Blanche Dreux
death: 11 September 1298
Guy I de Blois
title: comte de Blois
title: 1307, Comte de Chatodonia
death: 12 August 1342
Jean II de Brienne (d'Eu)
marriage: Jeanne de Guines
title: 12 June 1294, Comte d'Eu
death: 11 July 1302, (in battle)
Альфонсо де ла Серда
birth: 1270, Вальядолид
marriage: Mathilde de Brienne (de Brienne, d'Eu, de Lunel)
title: 25 July 1275, Allariz, Comte de la Cerda
death: 1333, Пьедраита
Robert d'Artois
birth: 1271
death: 1272
Othon IV de Bourgogne (d'Ivrée)
birth: before 1248
marriage: Philippa de Bar
title: from 1279 - 1303, comte de Bourgogne
marriage: Mathilde d'Artois
death: March 1303
Mathilde d'Artois
birth: 1268
marriage: Othon IV de Bourgogne (d'Ivrée)
title: 1291, Comtesse de Bourgogne
death: 27 October 1329, Paris (75)
Тибо Шампанский
death: 1273, он упал со стены в замке Эстелла
Guy II de Thouars (de Talmond)
birth: about 1253
title: seigneur de Talmont
marriage: Marguerite de Brienne
title: from 1274 - 1308, Vicomte de Thouars, Seigneur de Talmond
death: 21 September 1308
Jean de Châtillon-Saint-Pol
marriage: Joanne de Fiennes
title: from 1317 - 1344, Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise (62), comte de Saint-Pol
death: 1344
Guillaume Ier de Coucy
birth: 1288
title: seigneur d'Oisy
title: seigneur de Marle
title: seigneur de Montmirail
marriage: Isabella van Chatillon
title: 1321, seigneur de Coucy
death: 1335
Isabella van Chatillon
birth: 1294
marriage: Guillaume Ier de Coucy
title: May 1311, Dame héritière de Coucy
title: 1321, Dame de Coucy, d'Oisy, de Marle et de Montmirail
death: 19 May 1360
Alice de Lacy
birth: 25 December 1281, Denbigh Castle
marriage: Thomas Plantagenet (2. Earl of Lancaster)
death: 2 October 1348
Thomas Plantagenet (2. Earl of Lancaster)
birth: about 1278
marriage: Alice de Lacy
title: 5 June 1296, Bayonne, Comte de Lancastre
death: 22 March 1322, Pontefract Castle, enthauptet
Jean Ier d'Arpajon
title: vicomte d'Arpajon
marriage: Blanche de Chauvigny
will: 1460

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