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Alexios III Angelos b. about 1153 d. after 1210

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Lineage Angelid
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Alexios III Angelos

Andronikos Doukas Angelos [Angelos] b. about 1133 d. after 12 December 1185

Euphrosyne Kastamonitissa [Kastamonites] b. 1130 d. 1180

Wiki-page wikipedia:Alexios III Angelos
Reference numbers GEDCOM::AdriaenAlbout.ged::INDI @I5942@::Kjansen


about 1153 birth:

child birth: Евдокия Ангел [Ангелы]

child birth: w Анна Комнина Ангел [Ангелы] d. 1212

child birth: Eirene Angelina [Angelid]

1180 marriage: Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamatera [Dukas] b. about 1155 d. 1211

from 1195 - 1203 title: Byzantine Emperor

after 1210 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Constantine Angelos
birth: about 1093
title: sébastohypertatos
marriage: Theodora Komnenos
death: about 1166
Иоанн II Комнин
birth: 13 September 1087, Царьград, Греческое царство
title: from 1 September 1092 - 15 August 1118, Царьград, Греческое царство, греческий царь
marriage: Irene Piroska
title: from 15 August 1118 - 5 April 1143, Царьград, Греческое царство, греческий царь
death: 8 April 1143, Царьград, Греческое царство
Isaac Comnène
birth: after 16 January 1093, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
marriage: Ирина Володаровна
death: 20 July 1152, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
burial: monastère de la Theotokos Kosmosoteira en Thrace occidentale
Анна Комніна
birth: 1 December 1083, Константинополь, Візантійська імперія
title: царевна
title: царица
children count: 4
engagement: w Костянтин Дука
marriage: w Микифор Врієній , Царгород, Римське царство
death: about 1153, Константинополь, Візантійська імперія
Марія Комніна
birth: 1085
death: after 1136
Андронік Комнін
birth: 18 September 1091
death: 1130
Theodora Komnenos
birth: 15 January 1096, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
children count: 7
marriage: Constantine Angelos
N. Кастамоннит
other: вельможа из знатного семейства
Johannes Dukas (Sebastokratōr)
birth: about 1126
death: about 1200
Andronikos Doukas Angelos
birth: about 1133
marriage: Euphrosyne Kastamonitissa
death: after 12 December 1185
Теодор Кастамонитес
other: византийский аристократ и всемогущий главный министр на протяжении большей части первого правления его племянника, императора Исаака II Ангелоса
== 3 ==
Isaac II Angelos
birth: September 1156
marriage: Irene van Byzantium
marriage: w Маргарита Венгерская
title: from 12 September 1185 - 8 April 1195, Emperor of Byzantium
title: from 1 August 1203 - 25 January 1204, Emperor of Byzantium
death: 28 January 1204, Constantinople, Byzantium
Alexios III Angelos
birth: about 1153
marriage: Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamatera
title: from 1195 - 1203, Byzantine Emperor
death: after 1210
== 3 ==
Алексей Палеолог
birth: Римское царство
marriage: Eirene Angelina
death: Римское царство
Stefan II Nemanja
birth: 1165
marriage: Евдокия Ангел
marriage: w Anna Dandolo
title: from 1196 - 1217, Grand Prince de Serbie
title: from 1217 - 1228, Roi de Serbie
death: 24 September 1228
burial: монастырь Студенице
Theodore I Komnenos Laskaris
birth: 1173, 1175
marriage: Marie de Courtenay
marriage: w Анна Комнина Ангел
title: between 1205 and August 1222, Emperor of Nicea
death: August 1222
Theodora Palaiologina
marriage: Andronikos Dukas Komnenos Palaiologos
death: 1200, Римское царство
Bela IV of Hungary
birth: 29 November 1206
marriage: Maria ? (Laskarina, Laskaris)
title: from 14 October 1235 - 3 May 1270, King of Hungary
title: from 14 October 1235 - 3 May 1270, King of Croatia
title: from 1254 - 1258, Duke of Styria
death: 3 May 1270
Maria ? (Laskarina, Laskaris)
birth: 1206, Nicaea (no source!)
marriage: Bela IV of Hungary
death: between 24 June 1270 and 16 July 1270, Esztergom, Hungary
Jean III Doukas Vatatzès
birth: about 1192, Didymotique, Empire byzantin
marriage: w Constance de Hohenstaufen (Constance II de Sicile ou de Anne de Sicile)
marriage: w Irène Lascarine
title: between 1222 and 1254, empereur de Nicée
death: 3 November 1254, Kemalpaşa (İzmir), anciennement Nymphaeon de l'Empire de Nicée
burial: monastère de Sosandra
Irène Lascarine
birth: about 1200
title: impératrice de Nicée
marriage: Jean III Doukas Vatatzès
death: 1241
Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
birth: 25 April 1211, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: w Sophie Laskaris
title: 1228, Duc de Mödling
divorce: w Sophie Laskaris
marriage: Агнесса
title: 26 July 1230, Duc d'Autriche et de Styrie, San Germano
divorce: Агнесса
death: 15 June 1246, Vienne (Autriche)
Sophie Laskaris
birth: about 1210
marriage: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
title: 1227, Princesse d'Autriche
divorce: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
title: 1228, Duchesse de Mödling
death: 1246
Stefan Uroš I Nemanjić
birth: about 1229
marriage: Hélène ? (Sveta Jelena Anžujska, Sainte Hélène "d'Anjou")
title: from 1243 - 1276, König von Serbien
death: 1 May 1277
Стефан Радослав Неманич
birth: 1192
title: from 1228 - 1234, король Сербии
death: 1235
burial: монастырь Студеница
Стефан Владислав I Неманич
birth: about 1198
title: from 1234 - 1243, король Сербии
death: 1 November 1267
burial: монастырь Милешева
Предислав Неманич
birth: about 1201
death: 8 February 1271
burial: храм Святых Апостолов

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