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Джинерва Мария Габриэлла ван Эллинкхюзен ван Эллинкхюзен, Савойская-Аостская b. 20 March 2006

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Lineage Савойские
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Джинерва Мария Габриэлла ван Эллинкхюзен ван Эллинкхюзен, Савойская-Аостская

Amadeus di Savoia Aosta [Savoyen] b. 27 September 1943 d. 1 June 2021


20 March 2006 birth:

title: Принцесса Савойская-Аостская


внебрачная дочь от Кьяры ван Эллинкхюзен (дочь художника и гравера Бертуса ван Эллинкхюзена и сопрано Габриэллы Росси)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Amédée II de Savoie-Aoste
birth: 21 October 1898, Turin, Italie
title: from 21 October 1898 - 4 July 1931, Duc des Pouilles
marriage: Anne d'Orléans , Neapel, Italien
title: from 4 July 1931 - 3 March 1942, Duc d'Aoste
title: from 21 December 1937 - 19 May 1941, Vice-roi de l'Éthiopie italienne
death: 3 March 1942, Nairobi, Kenya
Aimone di Savoia-Aosta
birth: 9 March 1900, Turin, Italien
title: Duc de Spolète
marriage: Ирен Греческая , Florence
title: from 18 May 1941 - 31 July 1943, Roi de Croatie
title: from 3 March 1942 - 29 January 1948, Duc d'Aoste
death: 29 January 1948, Buenos Aires, Argentine
birth: 2 May 1896, Athens (Greece)
marriage: Carol II Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Athens (Greece)
title: 10 March 1921, Athènes, Princesse héritière de Roumanie
divorce: Carol II Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
title: 8 June 1930, Sinaia, Reine de Roumanie
death: 28 November 1982, Lausanne, Switzerland
Paul I Oldenburg
birth: 14 December 1901, Tatoï, Greece
marriage: Fredericka Hanover (Hellenes) , Athènes
title: 1 April 1947, King of Greece
death: 6 March 1964, Tatoï, Greece
George II of the Hellenes
birth: 19 July 1890, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece, Tatoi Palace
marriage: Elizabeth Charlotte Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Bucharest, Romania
title: from 11 January 1923 - 25 March 1924, King of the Hellenes
title: from 1935 - 1941, König von Griechenland
divorce: Elizabeth Charlotte Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Athen, Griechenland
title: from 1946 - 1947, König von Griechenland
death: 1 April 1947, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece
Alexander I of the Hellenes
birth: 1 August 1893, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece, Tatoi Palace
title: from 10 June 1917 - 25 October 1920, King of the Hellenes
marriage: Aspasia Manos , Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece, Tatoi Palace
death: 25 October 1920, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece
Ekaterini de Grèce
birth: 4 May 1913, Athènes
title: 21 April 1947, Athènes, Lady Brandram
marriage: w Richard Brandram , Athènes
death: 2 October 2007, Marlow, Royaume-Uni
Ирен Греческая
birth: 13 February 1904, Афины, Греция
marriage: Aimone di Savoia-Aosta , Florence
title: 1 July 1939, Принцесса Греции и Дании
title: 18 May 1941, Герцогиня Сполето
title: 3 March 1942, Королева Хорватии
death: 15 April 1974, Фьезоле, Италия
Claude d'Orléans
birth: 11 December 1943, Larache, Marokko
title: Princesse d'Orléans
marriage: Amadeus di Savoia Aosta , Синтра, Португалия
title: from 22 July 1964 - 20 July 1976, Duchesse d'Aoste
marriage: Arnaldo La Cagnina
divorce: Amadeus di Savoia Aosta , Порт-о-Пренс, Гаити, гражданский
annulment: Amadeus di Savoia Aosta , Рим, Италия, церковный (признан Святым Престолом)
divorce: Arnaldo La Cagnina
marriage: Enrico Gandolfi
Silvia Paternò
birth: 31 December 1953, Палермо, Сицилия, Italien
title: from 31 December 1953 - 30 March 1987, Баронесса ди Спедалотто
marriage: Amadeus di Savoia Aosta , Italien
title: from 30 March 1987 -, Герцогиня Аоста
title: from 7 July 2006 -, Герцогиня Савойская
Amadeus di Savoia Aosta
birth: 27 September 1943, Florenz, Toskana, Italien
title: from 12 October 1943 - 8 May 1945, титулярный Король Хорватии (под именем Звонимира II)
title: from 12 October 1943 - 8 May 1945, принц Боснии и Герцеговины, воевода Далмации, Тузлы и Темуна
title: from 29 January 1948 -, Duc d'Aoste
marriage: Claude d'Orléans , Синтра, Португалия
divorce: Claude d'Orléans , Порт-о-Пренс, Гаити, гражданский
title: from 18 March 1983 -, Претендент на трон Италии
annulment: Claude d'Orléans , Рим, Италия, церковный (признан Святым Престолом)
marriage: Silvia Paternò , Italien
title: from 7 July 2006 -, Duc de Savoie
death: 1 June 2021, Arezzo
== 3 ==
Blanche de Savoie-Aoste
birth: 2 April 1966, Florence
title: Princesse de Savoie-Aoste
marriage: w Gilberto Carbonello Tiberto Maria Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga , Tuscany
Aymon de Savoie-Aoste
birth: 13 October 1967, Florence
title: Duc d'Aoste
occupation: from 2000 -, Moscou, PDG de Pirelli en Russie
title: from 7 July 2006 -, Duc des Pouilles
marriage: Olga von Griechenland , Moscou
Mafalda de Savoie-Aoste
birth: 20 September 1969, Florence
marriage: Alessandro Ruffo di Calabria , Toskana, Italien
divorce: Alessandro Ruffo di Calabria , Mailand, Lombardei, Italien
marriage: Francesco Lombardo di San Chirico , London, England
== 3 ==

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