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Sigurd "Snake Eye" Ragnarsson (Sivardus IV Snogoye)

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Lineage Ring
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Sigurd "Snake Eye" Ragnarsson
Other last names Sivardus IV Snogoye
Other given names Sigurðr Ormr í Auga, Сигурд "Змей-в-глазу"

Kraka [?]

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye


child birth: Helgi Sigurðarson [?]

child birth: Álof Sigurðardóttir [?]

child birth: Tora Sigurdsdotter ? (Þora "Tora" Sigurðardóttir) [?]

child birth: Erik Sigardsson (Puerus) [Ring]

title: конунг Зеландии

marriage: Blaeja [?]

818 child birth: Áslaug Sigurðardóttir [?] b. 818


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Sigurd Snake-in-the-eye (Old Norse: Sigurðr ormr í auga) was one of the sons of Ragnar Lodbrok and Kraka, but what set him apart from the others was that he was born with the image of the ouroborous, a snake or dragon biting its own tail, encircling the pupil of his eye. For this to be the case, both parents would have to be genetic carriers of the congenital Pax6 Mutation that causes Anaridia. Both the Scandinavian Ring Dynasty/Rosomani, and the Pictish Agathyrsi had their origins in the Albian/Black sea region and migrated North and West through the Baltic, across the Swyddian Soleyar (Scandinavian Peninsula) to Alba Scotia (Scotland). It is likely that both tribes were carriers of the same Pax6 Genetic mutation that was responsible for cases of Anaridia among the Khazarian population from which the Judean family of Herodias (also carriers of the Pax6 mutation) originated.

The parentage of Sigurd Ragnarsson is often confused with that of his grandfather Sigurd Randversson Ring. Sigurd Snake in the Eye was the son of Ragnar Lodbrok and Lagertha Agathyrsi (daughter of the Pictish Chieftain Urgust). Lagertha is also that mother of the Alpin Dynasty kings of Scotland by her second marriage. This lineage can be confirmed through the manifestation of the Pas6 mutation that causes Anaridia.

[edit] Sources

  1. Chronologia Danica, qua 1. Noachidarum series exhibetur, 2. Judicum Cimbriae & Gothiae anni recensentur, et III. serenissimorum ac potentissimorum Daniae regum tempora, a prima regni origine ad annum Christi [1650], dynastiis VIII, diriguntur... conscripta a Johanne Jani Svaningio... Hans Jensen Svaning, Martzan typis & sumptibus Melchioris Martzan, 1650 - -

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
birth: Зеландское княжество
marriage: Sigurd "Snake Eye" Ragnarsson (Sivardus IV Snogoye)
== 2 ==
Helgi Skarpa (Dagling)
birth: Норвежское княжество
Sigurd Hart Helgisson
birth: Норвежское княжество
Harthacanute Eriksson
birth: 814, Hord, Jutland, Denmark
death: 884, Zealand, Denmark

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