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Inge the Younger ? (Stenkil, Halsten-Stenkil, of Sweden)

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Lineage ?
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Inge the Younger ?
Other last names Stenkil, Halsten-Stenkil, of Sweden
Other given names Ingjald, Ingold

w Halsten (Alstan) ? [?]

Sister of Inge I [Stenkil]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Inge the Younger


1118 title: King of Sweden

[edit] Sources

  1. Hervar Saga - King Steinchetel had, besides Ingi, another son Alstan who reigned along with his brother. Alstan's sons were Philip and Ingi, and they succeeded to the Kingdom of Sweden after King Ingi the elder.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Olof Skötkonung (Eriksson)
birth: estimated 980, Uppsala, Sweden
title: from 995 - 1022, roi de Suède
death: 1022, Husaby
Knut le Grand ? (Knud II)
birth: 994
marriage: w Эльфгифу Нортхемптонская
title: from 30 November 1016 - 12 November 1035, Roi d'Angleterre
marriage: Emma I of Normandy
title: from 1018 - 12 November 1035, Roi du Danemark
title: from 1028 - 12 November 1035, Roi de Norvège
death: 12 November 1035, Shaftesbury
Harald Sweynssen
birth: 995
title: from February 1014 - 1018, Roi de Danemark
death: 1018
Ulf Throkilsson
birth: estimated 990
marriage: w Estrid Sweynsdotter (Knytling)
title: 1023, Jarl de Danemark
death: 31 December 1026
burial: Roskilde, capitale du Danemark du Xe au XVe siècle
Robert I FitzRichard (Evereaux)
birth: between 1002 and 1010, Normandy, France
engagement: w Estrid Sweynsdotter (Knytling)
title: from 6 August 1027 - 22 June 1035, Duke of Normandy
death: 22 July 1035, İznik, Bithynia, Anatolia, (Nicaea)
burial: 1088, reburied in Italy
Илья Ярославич Русский и Киевский
marriage: w Estrid Sweynsdotter (Knytling)
title: from August 1018 - 1019, Великий Новгород, Великое княжество Русское, Князь Новгородский
birth: before 1020, Киев, Великое княжество Русское
death: before 1034, Великий Новгород, Великое княжество Русское
Stenkil ? (of WestGotland, Goth)
birth: 1030
death: about 1066
Halsten (Alstan) ?
title: 1066, King of Sweden
Sweyn II Estridsson (of Denmark)
birth: 1020
marriage: Тора Торбергсдоттер Датская (Эстридсен)
title: 1047, King of Denmark
marriage: Gyda de Suède
marriage: w Гунильда Датская , Датское королевство
annulment: w Гунильда Датская , Датское королевство
death: 28 April 1076
Inge I (Ingald) Stenkil
birth: 1060
title: from 1087 - 1110, король Швеции
death: about 1110
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== 3 ==

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