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Gondophares Phraotes ? (Frodo, Frode)

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Lineage ?
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Gondophares Phraotes ?
Other last names Frodo, Frode
Other given names Скаеф, Skaef

Phraataces [Herodius]

Manu III (Menander) Hermaeus Soter (Manu II Deus, Manigula of Chuksa, Ma'nu III Saphul Bar Paqor) [Koshanou] b. between -23 and 4

Mauriyam Idaniya [Suren]

Ψ Person:816112 [?]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Gondophares


child birth: Bedavastres ? (of Palmyra) [?]

religion: Christian

title: Autokratôr

between 21 and 47 title: King of Indoparthia

40 child birth: Satavastres [?] b. 40 d. 100


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

He took over the Kabul valley and the Punjab area from the Kushan king Azes Vindafarna "May he find glory.

The name of Gondaphares was translated in Armenian in "Gastaphar", and then in Western languages into "Gaspard". He may be the "Gaspard, King of India", who, according to apocryphal texts and eastern Christian tradition, was one of the three Biblical Magi who attended the birth of Christ.

The name 'Gondophares' is a latinization of Greek ΥΝΔΟΦΕΡΡΗΣ with gen. -ΟΥ, from Old Persian Vindafarna "May he find glory." Indian names include 'Gondapharna', 'Guduvhara' and Pali 'Gudaphara'. Gondophares is 'Gastaphar' in Armenian. The barbarian Goths referred to him as Phrodes or Frodo.

[edit] Sources

  1. -
  2. Bracey, R "Pilgrim's Progress: The Acts of Thomas and the Life of Apollonius of Tyana" -
  3. B. N. Puri, “The Sakas and Indo-Parthians”, in A.H. Dani, V. M. Masson, Janos Harmatta, C. E. Boaworth, History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Motilal Banarsidass Publ., 2003, Chapter 8, p.196 -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Pacorus I (Paquori) Daniya (of Parthia)
other: Invaded Syria in 51 BC
title: between -68 and -52, Satrap of Edessa
death: -38, Syria, Battle of Cyrrhestica
title: between -34 and -29, King of Osroene
Pharotes IV Daniya (of Parthia)
title: between -37 and -2, King of Parthia
title: between and, Prince in Exile
Manu III (Menander) Hermaeus Soter (Manu II Deus, Manigula of Chuksa, Ma'nu III Saphul Bar Paqor)
birth: between -23 and 4, Regent of Osroene
residence: Margalla, Taxila, Chuksa
residence: Cana, Galatea
other: Prince of Bactria Kushan
other: between -23 and 4, Satrap of Edussa
other: between -10 and 10, Satrap of Chuksa - deposed
Rustaham-Gondofarr (Gondophares) (Gaspar) ? (Suren-Pahlav)
title: between -10 and 17, King of Saka
Abgar IV Rufus ben Paqor
title: between -29 and -26, King of Osroene
== 3 ==
Anonyma (Miriamne) Mauriyam (of Magadan)
birth: before 10, Margalla (Mārĩkalā), Taxila
religion: Langbardi
religion: Nazarine
residence: Qana (near Ic'ataban (Acathaba)
title: 42, Magalensa Ludi - Prima Deia
Abgar V Ukkama bar Ma'nu (Abgarus of Edessa)
religion: Christian Convert
title: between 13 and 50, King of Osroene
Ma'nu IV bar Ma'nu
title: between 7 and 13, King of Osroene
Gondophares Phraotes ? (Frodo, Frode)
religion: Christian
title: Autokratôr
title: between 21 and 47, King of Indoparthia
== 3 ==
Bedavastres ? (of Palmyra)
title: король Англов
birth: 40
religion: Christian
title: between 60 and 100, King of Indoparthia
death: 100
title: король Англов

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