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Ma'nu IV bar Ma'nu

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Lineage Osroene
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Ma'nu IV bar Ma'nu

Manu III (Menander) Hermaeus Soter (Manu II Deus, Manigula of Chuksa, Ma'nu III Saphul Bar Paqor) [Koshanou] b. between -23 and 4

Mauriyam Idaniya [Suren]

Ψ Person:816112 [?]


child birth: Abgar V Ukkama bar Ma'nu (Abgarus of Edessa) [Osroene]

between 7 and 13 title: King of Osroene

From grandparents to grandchildren

Pharotes IV Daniya (of Parthia)
title: between -37 and -2, King of Parthia
Pacorus I (Paquori) Daniya (of Parthia)
other: Invaded Syria in 51 BC
title: between -68 and -52, Satrap of Edessa
death: -38, Syria, Battle of Cyrrhestica
title: between -34 and -29, King of Osroene
Manu III (Menander) Hermaeus Soter (Manu II Deus, Manigula of Chuksa, Ma'nu III Saphul Bar Paqor)
birth: between -23 and 4, Regent of Osroene
residence: Margalla, Taxila, Chuksa
residence: Cana, Galatea
other: Prince of Bactria Kushan
other: between -23 and 4, Satrap of Edussa
other: between -10 and 10, Satrap of Chuksa - deposed
Rustaham-Gondofarr (Gondophares) (Gaspar) ? (Suren-Pahlav)
title: between -10 and 17, King of Saka
Abgar IV Rufus ben Paqor
title: between -29 and -26, King of Osroene
== 3 ==
Anonyma (Miriamne) Mauriyam (of Magadan)
birth: before 10, Margalla (Mārĩkalā), Taxila
religion: Langbardi
religion: Nazarine
residence: Qana (near Ic'ataban (Acathaba)
title: 42, Magalensa Ludi - Prima Deia
Gondophares Phraotes ? (Frodo, Frode)
religion: Christian
title: Autokratôr
title: between 21 and 47, King of Indoparthia
Ma'nu IV bar Ma'nu
title: between 7 and 13, King of Osroene
== 3 ==
Abgar V Ukkama bar Ma'nu (Abgarus of Edessa)
religion: Christian Convert
title: between 13 and 50, King of Osroene
Ma'nu V bar Abgar
title: between 50 and 57, King of Osroene

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