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Otto of Savoy b. about 1023 d. 19 February 1057

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Lineage Savoy
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Otto of Savoy
Other given names Oddone

Humbert de Savoie [Savoie] b. estimated 1003 d. 19 July 1047

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Otto of Savoy


about 1030 birth:

child birth: Othon de Savoie [Savoie] d. 1088

about 1046 marriage: Adelaide of Susa [Arduinici] b. 1018 d. 19 December 1091

from 1046 - 16 March 1060 title: Margrave colleges and Turin

between 1047 and 1053 child birth: w Adélaïde de Savoie [Savoie] b. between 1047 and 1053 d. 1079

about 1048 child birth: Amadeus II of Savoy [Savoy] b. about 1048 d. 26 January 1080

1048 child birth: Peter I von Savoyen [Savoyen] b. 1048 d. 1078

from 1048 - 16 March 1060 title: Count Morena

21 September 1051 child birth: Bertha of Turin [Savoy] b. 21 September 1051 d. 27 December 1087

19 February 1059 death:

burial: Turin, Saint Giovanni cathedral

[edit] Sources

  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Humbert de Savoie
birth: estimated 1003, comté de Maurienne
title: comte de Bugey
title: comte de Maurienne
title: comte de Chablais
title: comte de Savoie
marriage: Auxilia van Lenzburg
death: 19 July 1047, Hermillon (73)
burial: Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne (73)
== 2 ==
Amadeus I Coda of Savoy
birth: about 1016
title: from 1048 - 1051, Count of Savoy
death: about 1051
Aymon de Savoie
occupation: évêque de Sion
occupation: abbé bénédictin de St-Maurice d’Agaune
death: 13 July 1054
Berthold de Savoie (Burcard d'Aoste)
occupation: archevêque de Lyon
occupation: coadjuteur d’Aoste
occupation: prieur de St-Maurice d’Agaune
death: 10 June 1046
Adelaide of Susa
birth: 1018
title: comtesse d'Auriate
title: 1034, marche de Turin
marriage: w Herman IV von Schwaben
marriage: w Henri Ier de Montferrat
marriage: Otto of Savoy
death: 19 December 1091
burial: Canischio, Turin, Canischio and then St Giovanni cathedral in Turin
Otto of Savoy
birth: about 1030
marriage: Adelaide of Susa
title: from 1046 - 16 March 1060, Margrave colleges and Turin
title: from 1048 - 16 March 1060, Count Morena
death: 19 February 1059
burial: Turin, Saint Giovanni cathedral
== 2 ==
Gebhard I van Sulzbach
birth: between 1036 and 1038
death: after 1070
Генрих IV Генрихов сын Салический
birth: 11 November 1050, Гослар, Святое Римское царство
title: 1056, Святое Римское царство, римский, немецкий царь
marriage: Bertha of Turin , Trebur, Germany
title: 31 March 1084, Святое Римское царство, римский царь
marriage: w Евпраксия Всеволодовна Русская и Киевская
death: 7 August 1106, Льеж, Бельгийское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Bertha of Turin
birth: 21 September 1051
marriage: Генрих IV Генрихов сын Салический , Trebur, Germany
death: 27 December 1087, Mainz
burial: Speyer, Speyer Cathedral
Johanna of Geneva
birth: estimated 1050
title: Countess Consort of Savoy
marriage: Amadeus II of Savoy
death: 1095
Amadeus II of Savoy
birth: about 1048
title: граф Савойский
title: граф Морьенн
title: лорд Буги
title: лорд Аосты
title: лорд Шабле
marriage: Johanna of Geneva
death: 26 January 1080
burial: St Jean, Maurienne
Rodolphe de Rheinfelden
birth: about 1025
title: from 1057 - 1079, duc de Souabe
marriage: Mathilde van Beieren
marriage: w Adélaïde de Savoie
title: from 15 March 1077 - 16 October 1080, antiroi des Romains
death: 16 October 1080, Mersebourg, principauté épiscopale de Mersebourg du Saint-Empire romain germanique
burial: Mersebourg
Adélaïde de Savoie
birth: between 1047 and 1053
marriage: Rodolphe de Rheinfelden
death: 1079
Peter I von Savoyen
birth: 1048
marriage: Agnès d'Aquitaine
title: 1060, Graf von Savoyen
death: 1078
Othon de Savoie
occupation: évêque d’Asti
death: 1088
Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman)
birth: 7 February 1102, London, England
marriage: Henry V du Saint-Empire (Dynastie Salique, Dynastie Franconienne) , Worms (Germany)
title: 25 November 1120, Barfleur, Princesse héritière d'Angleterre
title: 17 June 1128, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France, Notre Dame
marriage: Geoffrey V of Anjou (First of the House Plantagenet) , Le Mans
title: 1141, Lincoln (England), Duchesse de Normandie
death: 10 September 1167, Rouen
Henry V du Saint-Empire (Dynastie Salique, Dynastie Franconienne)
birth: 11 August 1086, Goslar, Empire romain d'Occident
religion: christianisme
title: 1105, roi de Bourgogne et d’Arles
title: 13 April 1111, Empereur du saint Empire romain germanique
marriage: Mathilde FitzHenry (Norman) , Worms (Germany)
death: 23 May 1125, Utrecht, Pays-Bas, anciennement appartenant au Saint Empire romain germanique
burial: Spire (ville), cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption-et-Saint-Étienne
Frederik I van Zwaben
birth: about 1050
title: from 1079 - 4 June 1105, Herzog von Schwaben
engagement: Agnes ? (van Waiblingen)
marriage: Agnes ? (van Waiblingen)
death: 4 June 1105
burial: Lorch (klooster)
Leopold III of Austria
birth: 1073
title: 12 October 1095, Margrave of Austria
marriage: Agnes ? (van Waiblingen)
death: 15 November 1136
Agnes ? (van Waiblingen)
birth: about 1072
children count: 23 (or ici on lui en a accordé 24 !)
engagement: Frederik I van Zwaben
marriage: Frederik I van Zwaben
title: 1106
marriage: Leopold III of Austria
death: 24 September 1143, Klosterneuburg
Humbert II of Savoy
birth: about 1065
title: from 26 January 1080 - 14 October 1103, Conde de Saboya
marriage: Gisela of Burgundy
death: 14 October 1103
burial: Moûtiers (73), Cathédrale
Ladislaus I
birth: 1048
title: from 25 April 1077 - 29 July 1095
marriage: Аделаида Швабская
death: 20 June 1095
Аделаида Швабская
birth: before 1077
marriage: Ladislaus I
death: May 1090
Boniface I del Vasto (de Saluces)
birth: 5 October 1060, Savone
title: marquis de Savone
marriage: Agnès de Vermandois
title: about 1084, marquis de Ligurie Occidentale
marriage: Alix de Savoie , 2
death: 1130
Manassès V de Coligny
birth: about 1068
title: Coligny (01), Seigneur de Coligny
title: Comte d'Auxois et de Dijon
marriage: Adélaïde de Savoie
death: after 1100
Adélaïde de Savoie
birth: between 1068 and 1072
marriage: Manassès V de Coligny
death: before 1115
Ulrich Ier de Baugé
birth: 1060
title: Seigneur de Baugé et Bresse
marriage: Auxilia de Savoie
other: from 1096 -, 1ère croisade [[Catégorie:Première croisade|Baugé]]
property: from 1110 - 1125, Seigneur souverain de Baugé et de Bresse
other: from 1120 - 1125, Palestine, Repart en Terre Sainte
death: 1140, Vis retiré dans un ermitage de la forêt de Seillon (près de Bourg)
Otton II de Montferrat
birth: 1015, dans le Piémont du royaume d'Italie du Saint-Empire
marriage: Constance de Savoie (de Montferrat)
title: between 1044 and 1084, Marquis de Montferrat
death: 20 November 1084
Аделаида Салическая
birth: 1070
death: 4 June 1079
Генрих Салическо-Франковский
birth: 1 August 1071
death: 2 August 1071
Конрад Салический
birth: 12 February 1074, Герсфельдское аббатство, Святое Римское царство
title: 1076, Нижне-Лотарингское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, нижнелотарингский герцог
title: 1087, Римско-Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, римско-немецкий король
title: 1093, Италийское королевство, Святое Римское царство, италийский король
marriage: Konstanze
burial: 1101, Санта Репарата, Флоренция, Итальянское королевство, Святое Римское царство
death: 27 July 1101, Флоренция, Итальянское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Berthold II de Zähringen
birth: about 1050
title: duc de Zähringen
marriage: Agnes von Rheinfelden (von Zähringen)
death: 12 April 1111

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