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Bardas Phokas b. about 878 d. about 968

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Lineage Phokas
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Bardas Phokas

Nikephoros I Phokas (Logothetes) [Phokas] d. about 890

Wiki-page wikipedia:Bardas Phokas the Elder


about 878 birth:

marriage: ? (Sister of Michael Maleinos) [?] b. estimated 895

about 912 child birth: Nikephoros II Phokas [Phokas] b. about 912 d. December 969

estimated 915 child birth: w Leo Phokas [Phokas] b. estimated 915 d. after 971

about 968 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Nikephoros I Phokas (Logothetes)
residence: estimated 835, Istanbul, Chora Monastery
death: about 890
== 2 ==
Леон Старший Фока
birth: Римское царство
death: Римское царство
Bardas Phokas
birth: about 878
marriage: ? (Sister of Michael Maleinos)
death: about 968
== 2 ==
Leo Phokas
birth: estimated 915
death: after 971
birth: 941, Спарта, Лакония, Римское царство
marriage: Nikephoros II Phokas
marriage: w Роман II Константинов сын Младший Македонский
death: Бююкада, Римское царство
Nikephoros II Phokas
birth: about 912
marriage: Theophania
title: from 963 - December 969, Byzantine Emperor
death: December 969
Константин Склир
birth: estimated 920, Римское царство
marriage: Sophia ? (Phokaina, Phocas)

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