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Eudes (Hugh) de Vitry d. after 1158

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Lineage Vitry
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Eudes (Hugh) de Vitry


child birth: Ithier (Gonthier) (Gunther) de Vitry (Rethel) [Vitry] d. 1171

after 1158 death:


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From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Mathilde Rethel
death: after 1151
Eudes (Hugh) de Vitry
death: after 1158
== 1 ==
Beatrix Namur
burial: about 1115
death: 1160
Ithier (Gonthier) (Gunther) de Vitry (Rethel)
title: from 1158 - 1171, Chatelain de Vitry
title: from 1158 - 1171, County of Rethel
death: 1171
Menasses IV Rethel (Manassus)
title: Count of Rethel
death: 1200
Hugh Pierrepont
fact 1: Contemporary of Henry II 1154-1189
marriage: Clemence Rethel
Roger II of Sicily
birth: 22 December 1095, Toledo (Spain)
title: from 1105 - 27 September 1130, Grand Comte de Sicile, (3è)
marriage: w Elvira de Castille
title: from 27 September 1130 - 26 February 1154, King of Sicily
marriage: Sibylle von Burgund
marriage: Beatrix von Rethel
death: 26 February 1154, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Beatrix von Rethel
birth: 1130
marriage: Roger II of Sicily
death: 31 March 1185

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