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Ava Alice Astor b. 7 July 1902 d. 19 July 1956

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Lineage Astor
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Ava Alice Astor
Other given names Ava Alice Muriel Astor

John Jacob Astor IV [Astor] b. 13 July 1864 d. 15 April 1912

Ava Lowle Willing (Astor, Ribbesdale) [Willing] b. 15 September 1868 d. 9 June 1958

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Ava Alice Muriel Astor


7 July 1902 birth:

24 July 1924 marriage: Сергій Платонович Оболенський [Оболенські] b. 20 September 1890 d. 29 September 1978

18 May 1931 child birth: Сильвия Сергеевна Оболенская (Гирей) [Оболенские] b. 18 May 1931 d. 27 June 1997

7 December 1932 divorce: Сергій Платонович Оболенський [Оболенські] b. 20 September 1890 d. 29 September 1978

21 January 1933 marriage: Raimund von Hofmannsthal [Hofmannsthal] b. 26 May 1906 d. 20 March 1974

1939 divorce: Raimund von Hofmannsthal [Hofmannsthal] b. 26 May 1906 d. 20 March 1974

19 July 1956 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

John Jacob Astor III
birth: 10 June 1822, New York City
title: ordre militaire de la légion des loyalistes des États-Unis
marriage: Charlotte Augusta Gibbes (Astor)
death: 22 February 1890, New York City
Mary Alida Astor (Carey)
birth: 1826
death: 1881
Caroline Webster Schermerhorn (Astor)
birth: 22 September 1830
marriage: William Backhouse Astor Jr.
death: 30 October 1908
Elisabeth Willing (Ridgway)
birth: 7 August 1819, Rockaway (New Jersey), États-Unis, ou 7 avril 1918 à Philadelphie
marriage: John Jacob Ridgway , Philadelphie
death: 17 May 1904, Paris (75008), 5 rue François-Ier 75008, Troisième République
Edward Shippen Willing
birth: 15 June 1822, Philadelphie
marriage: Alice Barton
death: 6 September 1906, Philadelphie
Alice Barton
birth: 26 February 1833, Philadelphie
marriage: Edward Shippen Willing
death: 17 April 1903, Philadelphie
Madeleine Talmadge Force (Astor, Dick, Fiermonte)
birth: 19 June 1893, Brooklyn (New York), United States
marriage: John Jacob Astor IV , Newport (Rhode Island), United States
death: 27 March 1940, Palm Beach (Florida), United States, [[Category:Titanic passengers]]
John Jacob Astor IV
birth: 13 July 1864
marriage: Ava Lowle Willing (Astor, Ribbesdale) , Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), United States
divorce filed: Ava Lowle Willing (Astor, Ribbesdale)
divorce: Ava Lowle Willing (Astor, Ribbesdale)
marriage: Madeleine Talmadge Force (Astor, Dick, Fiermonte) , Newport (Rhode Island), United States
death: 15 April 1912, Atlantic Ocean, drowned on the Titanic [[Category:Titanic passengers]]
Ava Lowle Willing (Astor, Ribbesdale)
birth: 15 September 1868, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), United States
marriage: John Jacob Astor IV , Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), United States
divorce filed: John Jacob Astor IV
divorce: John Jacob Astor IV
death: 9 June 1958, New York City, United States
== 3 ==
John Jacob Astor VI
birth: 14 August 1912
death: 1992
William Vincent Astor
birth: 15 November 1891, New York City, State of New York, United States
marriage: Roberta Brooke Russell (Kuser, Marshall, Astor) , New York City, State of New York, United States
death: 3 February 1959, New York City, State of New York, United States
Raimund von Hofmannsthal
birth: 26 May 1906, Hofmannsthal-Schlössl
baptism: 17 June 1906, Pfarrkirche Rodaun
marriage: Ava Alice Astor
divorce: Ava Alice Astor
marriage: Elizabeth Hester Mary Paget , Chelsea (London), England
death: 20 March 1974
== 3 ==
Азамат-Кадыр Султан (Гирей)
birth: 14 August 1924
birth: 8 August 2001
title: князь
title: ханыкъо (адыг.)
marriage: Сильвия Сергеевна Оболенская (Гирей)
Селима Гирей (Годдард)
birth: 15 January 1960
title: княжна
title: ханыпхъу (адыг.)
Кадыр-Девлет Гирей
birth: 29 March 1961
title: князь
title: ханыкъо (адыг.)
Адиль-Сагат Гирей
birth: 6 March 1964
title: князь
title: ханыкъо (адыг.)

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