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Marie Josèphe Armand b. estimated 1790

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Lineage Armand
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Marie Josèphe Armand


estimated 1790 birth:

estimated 1820 child birth: Arsène Bernard [Bernard] b. estimated 1820


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From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Esprit Bernard
birth: estimated 1790
Marie Josèphe Armand
birth: estimated 1790
== 1 ==
Marguerite Rebuffe
birth: estimated 1820
marriage: Arsène Bernard , Modane (73)
death: before November 1893
Arsène Bernard
birth: estimated 1820
marriage: Marguerite Rebuffe , Modane (73)
Jules Verney
birth: 19 February 1840, Aussois (73)
marriage: Адельфіна Бернар
baptism: 19 February 1840, Aussois (73)
marriage count: 19 February 1868
occupation: 1893, employé des chemins de fer italiens
death: 18 February 1906, Modane (73)
Адельфіна Бернар
birth: calculated 1849
marriage: Jules Verney
marriage count: 19 February 1868, Modane (73), ACTE DE MARIAGE MODANE EXPO ACTE
occupation: before November 1893, Ménagère
residence: before November 1893, Modane (73)
death: 23 November 1893, Modane (73), à 16h30, à son domicile.
Pierre Antoine Bernard
birth: estimated 1850
education: 1893, Modane (73), {{Maggiolo|b}}
other: 23 November 1893, Modane (73), témoin du décès de sa sœur Adélphine

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