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Oudard II Colbert b. 1560 d. 14 January 1640

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Lineage Colbert
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Oudard II Colbert

Oudard Ier Colbert [Colbert] b. 1520 d. 19 June 1573

Marie Coquebert [Coquebert] d. 13 January 1599


1560 birth: Reims (51)

child birth: Nicolas Colbert [Colbert]

other: Troyes (10), Bourgeois de Troyes

occupation: banquier et négociant international

occupation: Manufacturier de soie

title: Villacerf (10), seigneur de Villacerf

title: Saint-Pouange (10), seigneur de Saint-Pouange

17 November 1585 marriage: Troyes (10), Marie Forêt [Forêt]

15 September 1590 child birth: Troyes (10), Oudard III Colbert [Colbert] b. 15 September 1590 d. 18 October 1633

1602 child birth: Jean-Baptiste Colbert [Colbert] b. 1602 d. 1663

14 January 1640 death: Troyes (10)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Gérard Colbert
birth: 1493, Reims (51)
other: Reims (51), Marchand
occupation: Reims (51), Bourgeois de Reims
marriage: Jeanne Thierry
death: 1571, Reims (51)
Hector Colbert
title: seigneur de Magneux
marriage: Jeanne Cauchon
Oudard Ier Colbert
birth: 1520, Reims (51)
other: Reims (51), Bourgeois de Reims
marriage: Marie Coquebert , Reims (51)
caste: 1561, Reims (51), Echevin de Reims
death: 19 June 1573, Reims (51)
Marie Coquebert
marriage: Oudard Ier Colbert , Reims (51)
death: 13 January 1599
== 3 ==
Gérard Colbert
birth: 1550
occupation: Paris (75), Marchand orfèvre et joaillier
occupation: Amiens (80), Marchand orfèvre et joaillier
marriage: Marie Pingré , Amiens (80)
death: 17 August 1617, Paris (75)
Jean Colbert
birth: 1557, Reims (51)
title: seigneur du Terron
marriage: Marie Bachelier
death: 21 July 1596, Reims (51)
Marie Forêt
birth: Villacerf (10), dame de Villacerf
title: Saint-Pouange (10), dame de Saint-Pouange
marriage: Oudard II Colbert , Troyes (10)
Oudard II Colbert
birth: 1560, Reims (51)
other: Troyes (10), Bourgeois de Troyes
occupation: banquier et négociant international
occupation: Manufacturier de soie
title: Villacerf (10), seigneur de Villacerf
title: Saint-Pouange (10), seigneur de Saint-Pouange
marriage: Marie Forêt , Troyes (10)
death: 14 January 1640, Troyes (10)
== 3 ==
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
birth: 1602
title: Villacerf (10), seigneur de Villarcef
title: Saint-Pouange (10), seigneur de Saint-Pouange
marriage: Claudine Le Tellier
death: 1663
Oudard III Colbert
birth: 15 September 1590, Troyes (10)
title: seigneur de Villacerf
marriage: Marie Antoinette Sevin
death: 18 October 1633, Paris (75)
Nicolas Colbert
property: Seigneur de Turgis
marriage: Madeleine Grasseteau
Gilbert Colbert de Saint-Pouange
birth: 1642
title: seigneur de Saint-Pouange
marriage: Marie Renée de Bertemet
death: 1706
Michel Colbert
birth: 1615
title: seigneur de Villarcef
marriage: Geneviève Baudouin
death: 1694
Édouard Colbert de Villacerf
birth: 1628
title: Villacerf (10), marquis de Villacerf
marriage: Geneviève Larcher
death: 1699

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