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2. Sultan Muhammad Tahir Ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud, Raja of Ligor. Alleged Ancestor of the Elder Line Rulers of Patani, who Died out in 1651.
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Kelantan |
Sex | Male |
Full name (at birth) | 2. Sultan Muhammad Tahir Ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud, Raja of Ligor. Alleged Ancestor of the Elder Line Rulers of Patani, who Died out in 1651. |
♂ 2. Raja Bharubhasa/ Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Ibnu 'Abdu'llah, Raja of Lankasuka and Kelantan [Kelantan] |
From grandparents to grandchildren
♀ 3. Putri Chandana. m. Sultan Malik uz-Zahir Shams Ud-dunia wa Ud-din Muhammad Ibni al-Marhum Sultan Malik us-Saleh, Raja of Samudra-Pasai
== 3 ==

title: from 1362 - 1418, Raja of Chermin
♀ 3. Siti Zubaida, Tuan Devi Nareswari [Putri Sa'adung Ii]. m. Sultan Zainal Abidin Shah, Raja of Champa
== 3 ==