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Елена Евпрагиоти (Гика)

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Lineage Евпрагиоти
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Елена Евпрагиоти
Other last names Гика
Other given names Elena Evpraghioti


child birth: Zoe Ghika [Ghica]

marriage: Александр Матвеевич Гика [Гика] b. 1698 d. 25 May 1741

1724 child birth: Grigore III Ghica (Grigorie Alexandru Ghica VI ou Grégoire Alexandre Ghyka) [Ghica] b. 1724 d. 12 October 1777

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Matei Ghika
birth: 1717
marriage: Ecaterina Bals
death: 1773
Grigore III Ghica (Grigorie Alexandru Ghica VI ou Grégoire Alexandre Ghyka)
birth: 1724
title: prince
marriage: Екатерина Яковлевна Ризо-Рангабе (Гика) , Constantinople
title: from 18 March 1764 - 23 January 1767, hospodar de Moldavie
title: from 28 October 1768 - 5 November 1769, hospodar de Valachie
title: from 28 September 1774 - 10 October 1777, hospodar de Moldavie
death: 12 October 1777, Iași, anciennement Jassy ou Iassy de la principauté de Moldavie
Ionitza Cantacuzène
birth: 2 January 1721
death: 1789
Matvei Ivanovich Cantacuzene
birth: 1750
title: prince
death: 1816
Dmitri Sturdza
occupation: Великий ворник Молдавского княжества
occupation: логофет Молдавского княжества
marriage: Roxandra Ghika
death: 1794
Roxandra Ghika
title: по рождению, княжна Молдавии
marriage: Dmitri Sturdza
death: 1780
Zoia Grigorovna Ghica (Maruzzi)
birth: principauté de Moldavie
title: princesse par naissance
title: marquise par mariage
marriage: Pano Maruzzi
death: Empire russe

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