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Elisabeth Philippine von Friesenhausen b. 12 August 1696 d. 3 August 1764

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Lineage Friesenhausen
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Elisabeth Philippine von Friesenhausen
Other given names Elisabeth Philippine von Friesenhausen


12 August 1696 birth:

marriage: Фридрих Эрнст Липпе-Альвердиссен [Альвердиссен-Липпе] b. 4 August 1694 d. 28 August 1777

5 July 1723 child birth: Rinteln, Philipp II Ernst zu Schaumburg-Lippe [Schaumburg-Lippe] b. 5 July 1723 d. 13 February 1787

3 August 1764 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Фридрих Эрнст Липпе-Альвердиссен
birth: 4 August 1694
marriage: Elisabeth Philippine von Friesenhausen
title: from 1723 - 1749, граф Липпе-Альвердиссенский
death: 28 August 1777
== 1 ==
Juliana de Hesse-Philippsthal
birth: 8 June 1761, Zutphen
marriage: Philipp II Ernst zu Schaumburg-Lippe , Philippsthal (Werra)
title: 10 October 1781, Philippsthal (Werra), Comtesse de Schaumburg-Lippe
death: 9 November 1799, Bückeburg
Philipp II Ernst zu Schaumburg-Lippe
birth: 5 July 1723, Rinteln
title: from 1749 -, граф Липпе-Альвердиссенский
title: from 1777 -, граф Шаумбург-Липпский
marriage: Juliana de Hesse-Philippsthal , Philippsthal (Werra)
death: 13 February 1787, Bückeburg
Ida zu Waldeck
birth: 26 September 1796
marriage: Georg Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe , Bad Arolsen
death: 12 April 1869
Georg Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe
birth: 20 December 1784, Bückeburg
title: from 1787 -, Graf von Schaumburg-Lippe
title: from 1807 -, Fürst von Schaumburg-Lippe
marriage: Ida zu Waldeck , Bad Arolsen
death: 21 November 1860, Bückeburg

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