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Ehrengard Melusine von der Schulenburg b. 25 December 1667 d. 10 May 1743

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Lineage Schulenburg
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Ehrengard Melusine von der Schulenburg
Other given names Ehrengard Melusine von der Schulenburg, Herzogin von Kendal

Gustav Adolf von der Schulenburg [Schulenburg] b. October 1632 d. 27 September 1691

Petronella Ottilia von Schwencken [Schwencken] b. 9 January 1637 d. 1674

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Melusine von der Schulenburg


25 December 1667 birth: Hannover

11 January 1692 child birth: Hehlen, Anna Luise Sophie von der Schulenburg [Hannover] b. 11 January 1692 d. 2 November 1773

10 May 1743 death: Brentford, Kendal House, Isleworth

From grandparents to grandchildren

Gustav Adolf von der Schulenburg
birth: October 1632, Altenhausen
marriage: Petronella Ottilia von Schwencken
death: 27 September 1691, Halle (Saale)
== 3 ==
George Augustus of Great Britain
birth: 28 May 1660, Hanover (Germany)
marriage: Sophia Dorothea von Brunswick of Celle , Celle
divorce: Sophia Dorothea von Brunswick of Celle , Hanovre
title: from 1698 - 1727, Électeur de Hanovre
title: from 1714 - 1727, König von Irland
title: from 20 October 1714 - 11 June 1727, King of Great Britain
death: 11 June 1727, Osnabrück, Germany
Ehrengard Melusine von der Schulenburg
birth: 25 December 1667, Hannover
death: 10 May 1743, Brentford, Kendal House, Isleworth
== 3 ==
Sophia Dorothea of Hanover
birth: 16 March 1687, Hanover (Germany)
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm Hohenzollern , Berlin,Allemagne
death: 28 June 1757, Berlin, Germany, Monbijou Palace
George Augustus of Great Britain
birth: 10 November 1683, Hanover (Germany), Herrenhausen Palace
marriage: Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach , Schloss Herrenhausen, Hanover
title: from 27 September 1714 - 11 June 1727, Archtreasurer of the Holy Roman Empire
title: from 1727 - 1760, Город Лондон, Князівство Англійське, Сполучене Князівство, Князь
title: from 11 June 1727 - 25 October 1760, Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire
other: from 11 October 1727 - 25 October 1760, King of Ireland
death: 25 October 1760
Anna Luise Sophie von der Schulenburg
birth: 11 January 1692, Hehlen
marriage: Ernst August Philipp von dem Bussche , Hamburg-Harburg
death: 2 November 1773, London

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