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Hermann II. von Werl b. estimated 980 d. after 1025
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Werl |
Sex | Male |
Full name (at birth) | Hermann II. von Werl |
♂ Herman I van Werl [Werl] b. estimated 950 d. between 985 and 986 ♀ Gerberga d'Arles (of Burgandy) [Guelph] b. 965 d. 7 July 1018 | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:de:Hermann II. (Werl) |
estimated 980 birth:
title: Graf im Lochtropgau (997); Vogt des Klosters Werden (bis 1019), Graf im Dreingau (1019), Graf im Lerigau (1020), Graf von Werl (1024), Graf im Bistum Osnabrück; Vogt der Stifte Liesborn, Meschede und Oedingen.
1002 child birth: ♂ Adalbert van Werl [Werl] b. 1002 d. after 1038
estimated 1005 child birth: ♂ Bernhard van Werl [Werl] b. estimated 1005 d. about 1070
after 1025 death:
From grandparents to grandchildren
♀ Адельгейда Бургундская
birth: 931, Hochburgund
engagement: ♂ w Lothar II von Italien
marriage: ♂ w Lothar II von Italien
marriage: ♂ Otto I ? (Saint-Empire) , Pavia, Kingdom of the Lombards
death: 16 December 999, Kloster Selz, Grand Est, Сельцский монастырь, Эльзас
engagement: ♂ w Lothar II von Italien
marriage: ♂ w Lothar II von Italien
marriage: ♂ Otto I ? (Saint-Empire) , Pavia, Kingdom of the Lombards
death: 16 December 999, Kloster Selz, Grand Est, Сельцский монастырь, Эльзас

birth: 941, Laon
title: 10 September 954, Laon, Roi des Francs
marriage: ♀ Эмма Италийская Бозонович
burial: 986, Reims, cathédrale Saint-Remi
death: 2 March 986, Laon
title: 10 September 954, Laon, Roi des Francs
marriage: ♀ Эмма Италийская Бозонович
burial: 986, Reims, cathédrale Saint-Remi
death: 2 March 986, Laon
♂ Charles de Basse-Lotharingie
birth: 953, Laon (02)
title: from 977 - 991, Duc de Basse-Lotharingie
death: 12 June 991, Orléans (45)
burial: 1001, Maastricht, Pays-Bas, basilique Saint-Servais
title: from 977 - 991, Duc de Basse-Lotharingie
death: 12 June 991, Orléans (45)
burial: 1001, Maastricht, Pays-Bas, basilique Saint-Servais

birth: 964
title: 978
title: 997, Reine de France
marriage: ♂ Odo I de Blois
marriage: ♂ Robert II Capet
other: ♂ Robert II Capet , Séparation
death: 16 January 1010
title: 978
title: 997, Reine de France
marriage: ♂ Odo I de Blois
marriage: ♂ Robert II Capet
other: ♂ Robert II Capet , Séparation
death: 16 January 1010
♂ Rudolph III of Burgundy
birth: about 970, Auxerre
title: 19 October 993, Roi de Bourgogne
marriage: ♀ Эрменгарда
death: 6 September 1032, Auxerre
title: 19 October 993, Roi de Bourgogne
marriage: ♀ Эрменгарда
death: 6 September 1032, Auxerre
♀ Гізель Бургундська
birth: 955, Воєводство Бургундське, Князівство Франківське, Священне Царство Римське
marriage: ♂ Henry II the Wrangler
death: 21 July 1007, Священне Царство Римське
marriage: ♂ Henry II the Wrangler
death: 21 July 1007, Священне Царство Римське
♂ Герман II Швабский
birth: about 950, Швабское воеводство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: ♀ Gerberga d'Arles (of Burgandy)
title: from 20 August 997 - 4 May 1003, Швабское воеводство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, герцог Швабии, 9-й
marriage: 998
death: 4 May 1003, Швабское воеводство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: ♀ Gerberga d'Arles (of Burgandy)
title: from 20 August 997 - 4 May 1003, Швабское воеводство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, герцог Швабии, 9-й
marriage: 998
death: 4 May 1003, Швабское воеводство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
== 3 ==

birth: estimated 990
marriage: ♂ w Esiko von Ballenstedt (Count Schabengau)
marriage: ♂ Konrad I von Kärnten
marriage: ♂ Friedrich II de Bar (of Upper Lotheringen)
death: 29 July 1031
burial: Worms (Germany), Worms Cathedral
marriage: ♂ w Esiko von Ballenstedt (Count Schabengau)
marriage: ♂ Konrad I von Kärnten
marriage: ♂ Friedrich II de Bar (of Upper Lotheringen)
death: 29 July 1031
burial: Worms (Germany), Worms Cathedral

birth: between 11 November 989 and 13 November 990, lt. Grabplatte 999
marriage: ♂ Bruno I van Brunswijk-Billung
marriage: ♂ w Ernst von Schwaben
marriage: ♂ Конрад II Салический
death: 15 February 1042, Goslar, Ruhr
burial: Speyerer Dom
marriage: ♂ Bruno I van Brunswijk-Billung
marriage: ♂ w Ernst von Schwaben
marriage: ♂ Конрад II Салический
death: 15 February 1042, Goslar, Ruhr
burial: Speyerer Dom
♂ Hermann III von Schwaben
birth: before October 995
title: 1003, Herzog von Schwaben
death: 1 April 1012
title: 1003, Herzog von Schwaben
death: 1 April 1012
== 3 ==