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Nicolas Gombert b. 3 August 1783 d. 22 November 1856

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Lineage Gombert
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Nicolas Gombert

Alexis Gombert (Humbert) [Gombert] b. about 1717 d. 18 October 1785

Anne Jacob (Jacquot, Jacot) [Jacob] b. before 1748 d. before 1820


3 August 1783 birth: Pagney-derrière-Barine (54)

25 January 1820 marriage: Dieulouard (54), Barbe Benoit [Benoit] b. 26 April 1790 d. 7 June 1868

25 January 1820 occupation: Rosières-en-Haye (54), Manoeuvre

1821 occupation: Dieulouard (54), Manoeuvre

21 January 1821 child birth: Dieulouard (54), Marguerite Gombert [Gombert] b. 21 January 1821

1848 occupation: Dieulouard (54), Journalier

22 November 1856 death: Dieulouard (54), à 73 ans

From grandparents to grandchildren

Claude Gombert
birth: about 1692, Pagney-derrière-Barine (54)
marriage: Catherine Joliot
death: 30 March 1762, Lagney (54)
Marie Masson
birth: estimated 1725
marriage: Armand Jacquot (Jacob) , Écrouves (54)
Armand Jacquot (Jacob)
birth: about 1711, Écrouves (54), Grandménil
occupation: vigneron
marriage: Barbe Poirson , Écrouves (54)
marriage: Marie Rose Bastien , Écrouves (54)
marriage: Marie Masson , Écrouves (54)
death: 19 June 1780, Écrouves (54), Grandménil
Barbe Poirson
birth: about 1708, Écrouves (54)
marriage: Armand Jacquot (Jacob) , Écrouves (54)
death: 4 March 1748, Écrouves (54)
Alexis Gombert (Humbert)
birth: about 1717
marriage: Françoise Gambin , Pagney-derrière-Barine (54)
marriage: Anne Jacob (Jacquot, Jacot) , Écrouves (54)
occupation: 1783, Pagney-derrière-Barine (54), Vigneron
death: 18 October 1785, Écrouves (54)
Anne Jacob (Jacquot, Jacot)
birth: before 1748, Écrouves (54)
marriage: Alexis Gombert (Humbert) , Écrouves (54)
death: before 1820, Toul (54)
== 3 ==
Barbe Benoit
birth: 26 April 1790, Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson (54)
occupation: 1820, Dieulouard (54), Journalière
marriage: Nicolas Gombert , Dieulouard (54)
death: 7 June 1868, Dieulouard (54)
Nicolas Gombert
birth: 3 August 1783, Pagney-derrière-Barine (54)
marriage: Barbe Benoit , Dieulouard (54)
occupation: 25 January 1820, Rosières-en-Haye (54), Manoeuvre
occupation: 1821, Dieulouard (54), Manoeuvre
occupation: 1848, Dieulouard (54), Journalier
death: 22 November 1856, Dieulouard (54), à 73 ans
== 3 ==
François Robin
birth: 17 March 1824, Dieulouard (54), 8 mars sur acte de mariage
occupation: Dieulouard (54), Journalier
marriage: Marguerite Gombert , Dieulouard (54)
death: after 1872
Marguerite Gombert
birth: 21 January 1821, Dieulouard (54)
occupation: 1848, Dieulouard (54), Journalière.
marriage: François Robin , Dieulouard (54)
Anne Eugénie Gombert
birth: 27 September 1852, Toul (54)
marriage: Aimé Robin , Dieulouard (54)
death: 18 January 1933, Dieulouard (54)
Aimé Robin
birth: 14 August 1849, Dieulouard (54)
marriage: Anne Eugénie Gombert , Dieulouard (54)
occupation: from 1880 - 1901, Dieulouard (54), Forgeron
occupation: to 1880, Dieulouard (54), Journalier
death: 29 December 1928, Dieulouard (54)

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