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Mechtild de Virneburg d. 1360

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Lineage Virneburg
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Mechtild de Virneburg

Ruprecht II von Virneburg [Virneburg] b. 1239

Kunigunde von Cuyk [Cuyk] b. 1250


1308 marriage: Otto of Cleves [Cleves] b. about 1278 d. 29 October 1310

1308 title: Comtesse de Clèves

1360 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Otto I. von Nassau
birth: 1247
title: 1249, Comte de Nassau
title: 1255, Comte de Nassau-Siegen, de Nassau-Dillenbourg, de Nassau-Beilstein et de Nassau-Ginsberg
marriage: Agnes von Leiningen-Saarbrücken
death: 19 March 1290
Walram II. von Nassau
birth: 1220, Dillenburg
title: 1249, Comte de Nassau
marriage: Adelheid de Katzenelnbogen , Katzenelnbogen
title: 17 December 1255, Comte de Nassau-Wiesbaden, de Nassau-Weilbourg et de Nassau-Idstein
death: 24 January 1276, Dillenburg
Ruprecht V. von Nassau
birth: 1220
death: 19 September 1247
Gerhard von Nassau
birth: 1230
death: 2 May 1311
Johann von Nassau
birth: 1230
death: 13 July 1309, Deventer
Agnes van Cuijk
birth: estimated 1240
death: about 1260
Johann I von Cuijk
birth: 1230
marriage: Jutta von Nassau
death: about 1308
Lisa van Virneburg
birth: 1273
marriage: Dietrich Luf II van Kleef
title: 1 October 1285, Comtesse héritière de Clèves
death: 6 September 1304
== 3 ==
Heinrich II von Virneburg
birth: between 1244 and 1246
title: 1304, Köln, Erzbischof von Köln
death: 5 January 1332
Otto of Cleves
birth: about 1278
title: 4 October 1305, Comte de Clèves
marriage: Adeheid van der Mark
marriage: Mechtild de Virneburg
death: 29 October 1310
Mechtild de Virneburg
marriage: Otto of Cleves
title: 1308, Comtesse de Clèves
death: 1360
== 3 ==

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