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Claes Sergei Rudolf Cronstedt b. 23 May 1943

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Lineage Cronstedt
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Claes Sergei Rudolf Cronstedt
Other given names Claes Sergei Rudolf, Graf Cronstedt


23 May 1943 birth:

1969 marriage: Nane Maria Lagergren [Lagergren] b. 14 October 1944

16 April 1970 child birth: Djursholm, Nina Gabriella Cronstedt [Cronstedt] b. 16 April 1970

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Nina Gabriella Cronstedt
birth: 16 April 1970, Djursholm
marriage: Arie de Groot
Alexei de Groot
birth: 26 May 2001, Haarlem
Ebba Oemie Viveka de Groot
birth: 9 March 2003, Haarlem

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