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Alfonso de Ribagorce b. 1358 d. 31 August 1422

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Lineage Aragon
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Alfonso de Ribagorce

Alfonso d'Aragon (Alfonso IV de Ribagorce) [Aragon] b. 1332 d. 5 March 1412

Violante Diaz de Arenos [Diaz]


1358 birth:

31 August 1422 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Alfonso IV of Aragon
birth: 2 November 1299
title: 10 September 1314, Count of Urgell
marriage: Teresa d'Entença , Barcelona
title: 5 November 1327, King of Aragon
marriage: w Eleonore von Kastilien
death: 27 January 1336
Иоланда Арагонская
birth: 1310
marriage: Philippe de Tarente
title: February 1328, Princesse héritière de Tarente
death: after 19 June 1353
Elisabeth von Aragón
birth: 1305
marriage: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich III des Romains) , Judenburg
title: 11 May 1315
title: 7 January 1326, Ulm, Reine des Romains
death: 12 July 1330, Wien
Jaime d'Aragon
birth: 29 September 1296
other: 22 December 1319, Tarragone
death: July 1334, Tarragone
Maria d'Aragon
birth: 1299
death: 1347
Constanza d'Aragon
birth: 1300, Valence (Espagne)
death: 19 October 1327, Cuenca (Espagne)
Bianca d'Aragon
birth: 1301
death: 1348
Juan d'Aragon
birth: 1301, Teruel
title: 1319, Archevêque de Tolède
death: 19 August 1334, Tarragone
Ramon d'Empuries
birth: 1308
title: 1324, Comte de Prades et Baron de Entenza
marriage: Beatriz de Jerica
marriage: Maria Alvarez de Jerica
title: 1341, Comte de Empuries
death: 1366
Peter von Aragón
birth: 1305
title: 13 June 1322, Pisa
title: 1325, Comte de Prades
marriage: Jeanne von Foix , Castelló d'Empúries
death: 1380, Valence (Espagne)
Roger Bernard III de Foix-Castelbon
marriage: Constance de Luna
title: 13 December 1315, Vicomte de Castelbon
death: 1350
Loup de Foix
title: comte de Rabat
Jeanne von Foix
birth: about 1310
marriage: Peter von Aragón , Castelló d'Empúries
title: 12 May 1331, Castelló d'Empúries, Comtesse de Ribagorce et de Prades
death: about 1357
Eleonore von Aragon
birth: 1333
marriage: Peter I von Zypern
death: 26 December 1416, Barcelona
Juan d'Aragon
birth: 1335
death: 1414
Jaime de Prades
birth: 1341
death: 1396
Alfonso d'Aragon (Alfonso IV de Ribagorce)
birth: 1332
marriage: Violante Diaz de Arenos
title: 1355, Comte de Denia
title: 1361, Comte de Ribargorce
death: 5 March 1412, Gandie
== 3 ==
Pedro de Villena
death: 1385, Aljubarrota
Alfonso de Ribagorce
birth: 1358
death: 31 August 1422
== 3 ==

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