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Sultanzade Mahmud Pasha Dramalı

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Full name (at birth) Sultanzade Mahmud Pasha Dramalı

Zeynep Sultan [Osman]

Halil Mehmed Bey [?]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Mahmud Dramali Pasha

From grandparents to grandchildren

Moustapha II
birth: 6 February 1664, Edirne
marriage: Марія Шехсувар Султан
marriage: Aleksandra
death: 31 December 1703, Istanbul
Ida Kovács (Râbiâ Şermî Sultan)
birth: 1698, Kingdom of Hungary
marriage: Ahmed III , Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire, Sarayburnu, Topkapı Palace
death: 1732, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire, Topkapı Palace
Ahmed III
birth: 30 December 1673, Dobrich, Ottoman Empire, (Hacıoğlupazarı)
marriage: Mihrimah
title: from 28 December 1703 - 20 September 1730, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
title: from 28 December 1703 - 20 September 1730, Caliph of Islam
marriage: Ida Kovács (Râbiâ Şermî Sultan) , Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire, Sarayburnu, Topkapı Palace
death: 1 July 1736, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire, Topkapı Palace
Abdülhamid I
birth: 20 March 1725, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
marriage: w Aimée du Buc de Rivery (Nakşidil Sultan)
marriage: Sonya
marriage: Ayşe Seniyeperver Valide Sultan ? (Bulgarian) , Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
marriage: w Aimée du Buc de Rivery (Nakşidil Sultan) , Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
death: 7 April 1789, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
Mustafa Ⅲ.
birth: 28 January 1717
marriage: Agnes
death: 21 January 1774
Şehzade Mehmed
birth: 1 March 1697
death: June 1703
Şehzade Ibrahim
birth: 1704
death: before 1720
Şehzade Mehmed
birth: 25 November 1705
death: 20 June 1706
Şehzade Murad
birth: January 1706
death: 5 April 1708
Şehzade Isa
birth: 23 February 1706
death: 25 May 1706
Şehzade Ali
birth: 18 June 1706
death: 12 September 1706
Şehzade Selim
birth: 6 September 1707
death: 4 May 1708
Şehzade Murad
birth: 17 November 1707
death: before January 1708
Şehzade Murad
birth: 4 February 1708
death: 1 April 1708
Şehzade Abdülmecid
birth: 12 December 1709
death: 8 March 1710
Şehzade Abdülmelik
birth: 12 December 1709
death: 7 March 1711
Şehzade Mustafa
birth: 1710
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