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Maximilian Leidesdorf b. 27 June 1818 d. 9 October 1889

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Full name (at birth) Maximilian Leidesdorf
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27 June 1818 birth: Vienna (Austria)

26 July 1846 child birth: Город Святого Петра, Імперія Всеросійська, w Валер'ян Миколайович фон Лейдерсдорф (Козлів, Лигін) [Лейдерсдорфи] b. 26 July 1846 d. 6 January 1900

9 October 1889 death: Vienna (Austria)


Maximilian Leidesdorf (June 27, 1818 – October 9, 1889) was an Austrian psychiatrist born in Vienna.

In 1845 he received his medical doctorate from the University of Vienna, afterwards visiting asylums in Italy, Germany, England and France. In 1856 he received his habilitation in Vienna, where he practiced medicine for the remainder of his career. In 1872 he became head of the department of mental illness at Vienna General Hospital, followed by an appointment in 1875 as director of the Landesirrenanstalt (State Lunatic Asylum). One of his famous assistants was Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1857-1940), winner of the 1927 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Much of his written work dealt with the correlation between physical and mental illnesses. With Theodor Meynert (1833-1892), he was co-founder of the quarterly psychiatric journal Vierteljahresschrift für Psychiatrie.

In 1876 he was summoned to Constantinople to examine the mental state of dethroned Sultan Murad V, and in 1886 was asked for advice on the mental condition of King Ludwig II of Bavaria.

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Maximilian Leidesdorf
birth: 27 June 1818, Vienna (Austria)
death: 9 October 1889, Vienna (Austria)
== 1 ==
Валер'ян Миколайович фон Лейдерсдорф (Козлів, Лигін)
birth: 26 July 1846, Город Святого Петра, Імперія Всеросійська
marriage: Елизавета Егоровна Парпути (Лигина)
death: 6 January 1900, Город Гієр, Спільна Справа Франківська
Валериан Валерианович Лигин
birth: 1873, Russisches Kaiserreich
Скарлат Карл Маркович Севастопуло
marriage: Мария Валериановна Лигина , Одесская церковь святой Троицы, Russisches Kaiserreich
Мария Валериановна Лигина
birth: 13 January 1871, Odessa, Russisches Kaiserreich
marriage: Скарлат Карл Маркович Севастопуло , Одесская церковь святой Троицы, Russisches Kaiserreich
death: 1962
Сергей Валерианович Лигин
birth: 1877, Russisches Kaiserreich

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