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Антуан Бернард Вальер де Отерив

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Lineage Отерив
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Антуан Бернард Вальер де Отерив


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Also, I have been researching Andre Masse' for a very long while, as he was the partner of Antoine Bernard Valliere de la Hauterive in obtaining a land grant, which comprised nearly all of the present day town of St. Martinville, La., but eventually Masse' sold his half to Antonie de la Hauterive. Andre Masse' was a native of the Grenoble area of France, which is the same place as Jacques Joseph Sorrel de Contamine, Jean Berard, Jacques Roman, and Antone Valliere de la Hauterive were from. I have heard this legend and it could well be true that Andre Masse' came here first and obtained a large land grant and then Jacques Sorrell de Conatamine and Jean Berard stole his land, but like I stated, I do not know the truth or origin of this. Then the present Darby Plantation, which is situated on Main Street in the village of Baldwin, La., was built in the 1700's and the ironic part is that the house faces the roadway then known and now known as the Old Spanish Trail instead of Bayou Teche, and the styling of this house is West Indies. The present owner, Emery Hebert, who also owns an antique business in the village of Baldwin, La., told me that someone had told him that they had seen doucmentation that that particular home, the Darby Plantation, was built in the 1700's by Masse' and this doucmentation was somewhere in the Caribbean, and he could not find out any more information. Emery also told me that he knew the lady, who lived there in the 1950's and her name was Mrs. Johnson, and he used to visit with Mrs. Johnson when he was a boy, and remembers seeing deer skin rug with a early map of the area of Attakapas, which we both now know was probably drawned by Andre Masse', and there is a closed up wine cellar in the house. It is all very interesting. I agreed to search around and keep my eyes and ears open and see what develops, and I have found information that le Kinktrek was also an early trader and le Kinktrek sold Andre Masse' some land somewhere in the vicinity of the River Road of New Orleans in the 1700. It is interesting that Andre Masse' sometimes lived like a white man and sometimes like an Indian man, and he had both. African and Indian slaves, and he was a very kind master, and his slaves were baptized and married in the church, and he freed some of his slaves, and there was a man of color, who was the son of a Indian woman and a slave man of Masse' and this particular man's name was Jupiter Little, and he was known as the "little black chief." It is very possible that Andre Masse' knew le Kinktrek and possibly our Antoine Verloin deGruy.

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