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J1 Haplotype b. between -24000 and -17000

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Lineage Human Haplogroups
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) J1 Haplotype
Other given names M267

J Haplotype [Human Haplogroups] b. between -30000 and -25000


between -24000 and -17000 birth: Арабский регион

child birth: J1d Haplotype [Human Haplogroups]

child birth: J1* Haplotype [Human Haplogroups]

child birth: J1c Haplotype [Human Haplogroups]

child birth: J1b Haplotype [Human Haplogroups]

child birth: J1a Haplotype [Human Haplogroups]

between -5000 and -6000 child birth: Арабский регион, J1e Haplotype [Human Haplogroups] b. between -5000 and -6000


appears at high frequencies among populations of the Middle East, North Africa, and Ethiopia (Thomas et al. 1999)

Found frequently in the Arabian Peninsula, Dagestan, Mesopotamia, the Levant and Semitic-speaking populations of North Africa and Northeast Africa, with a moderate distribution throughout Southwest Asia.

Haplogroup J1, defined by the 267 marker is most frequent in the Arabian Peninsula Yemen(76%), Saudi (64%), Qatar (58%), and Dagestan (56%). J1 is generally frequent amongst Arab Bedouins (62%). It is also very common among other Arabs such as those of the southern Levant, i.e. Palestinian Arabs (38.4%), in Algeria (35%), Iraq (68%), Tunisia (31%), Syria (30%), Egypt (20%), and the Sinai Peninsula. The frequency of Haplogroup J1 collapses suddenly at the borders of Arabic speaking countries with mainly non-Arabic speaking countries, such as Turkey (9%) and Iran (9.5%)]. It is also highly frequent among Jews, especially the Kohanim caste (46%)

Найдены на Аравийском полуострове, в Дагестане, в Месопотании, в странах Средизерноморья (левантийцы из Леванта) среди семитско-языковых групп Северной Африки и полуострова Сомали, с переходом на территорию Передней (или Западней) Азии.

Встречается у многих славянских народов Восточной Европы и Азии.

From grandparents to grandchildren

J Haplotype
birth: between -30000 and -25000, Югозападная Азия
== 3 ==
J* Haplotype
birth: Сокотра
J1 Haplotype
birth: between -24000 and -17000, Арабский регион
== 3 ==
J1e Haplotype
birth: between -5000 and -6000, Арабский регион

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