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Alexander Alexeyevich Ukhtomsky b. before 1832

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Lineage Ukhtomske
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Alexander Alexeyevich Ukhtomsky

Alexei Mikhailovich Ukhtomsky [Ukhtomske] b. 1786


before 1832 birth:

title: князь

From grandparents to grandchildren

Дмитрий Михайлович Ухтомский
birth: 1794
title: князь
military service: майор
Alexei Mikhailovich Ukhtomsky
birth: 1786
title: князь
== 3 ==
Esper Alexeyevich Ukhtomsky
birth: 1832, according to some sources, 1834
title: prince
marriage: Jane (Eugenia Alexeevna) Greig (von Zeppelin, Ukhtomskaya)
military service: 1870, navy captain, 1st rank
death: 1885
Леонид Алексеевич Ухтомский
birth: 30 October 1829
title: князь
marriage: Екатерина Павловна Соломирская
military service: 5 August 1845, гардемарин
military service: 1847, мичман
military service: October 1889, вице-адмирал
death: November 1909
burial: Тихвинское кладбище, Александро-Невская лавра, Санкт-Петербург
Erast Alexeyevich Ukhtomsky
birth: 1835
title: князь
military service: штабс-капитан
Pyotr Alexeyevich Ukhtomsky
birth: before 1832
title: князь
Alexander Alexeyevich Ukhtomsky
birth: before 1832
title: князь
== 3 ==

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