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Ferdinando Carlo von Gonzaga-Nevers b. 31 August 1652 d. 5 July 1708

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Lineage Гонзага
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Ferdinando Carlo von Gonzaga-Nevers

Carlo de Gonzague (Carlo II, Charles IV de Mayenne) [Gonzague] b. 31 October 1629 d. 14 August 1665

Isabella Clara von Österreich [Habsburg-Österreich-Tirol] b. 12 August 1629 d. 24 February 1685

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Ferdinando Carlo von Gonzaga-Nevers


31 August 1652 birth: Revere

14 August 1665 title: Mantoue, Duc de Mantoue, de Montferrat et Prince d'Arches

1670 marriage: Maria-Isabella de Gonzague [Gonzague] b. 12 February 1665 d. 18 November 1730

8 November 1704 marriage: Mantoue, Suzanne-Henriette d'Elbeuf [Lorraine-Elbeuf] b. 1 February 1686 d. 19 October 1710

5 July 1708 death: Padua


  1. Adelaide Murgia, I Gonzaga, Milano, Mondadori, 1972 -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Anna-Maria de Gonzague
birth: 1616, Paris (75)
marriage: Henri de Guise (Henri II)
other: Henri de Guise (Henri II) , Séparation
title: 24 April 1645, Paris (75), Comtesse palatine du Rhin
marriage: Edward von der Pfalz , Paris, France
death: 6 July 1684, Paris (75)
Luisa-Maria de Gonzague
birth: 18 August 1611, Paris (75)
title: 10 March 1646, Varsovie, Reine de Pologne et Grande-Duchesse de Lituanie
marriage: Władysław IV Wasa , Varsovie
marriage: Ян II Казимир Ваза , Cracovie
death: 10 May 1667, Varsovie
Francesco von Gonzaga (François III de Rethel)
birth: 17 June 1606, Paris
title: 17 June 1606, Paris, Duc par courtoisie de Rethel
death: 13 October 1622, Charleville-Mézières
Ferdinando de Gonzague
birth: 1610, Charleville-Mézières (08)
title: 30 April 1631, Cavriana, Duc de Mayenne, d'Aiguillon, Comte du Maine, de Tende, de Sommeruve et Marquis de Villars
death: 25 May 1632, Charleville-Mézières (08)
Benedetta de Gonzague
birth: 1614
death: 20 December 1637, Avenay-Val-d'Or (51)
Carlo de Gonzague (Charles III de Mayenne, Charles II de Rethel)
birth: 22 October 1609, Paris (75)
title: 20 September 1621, Montauban (82), Duc de Mayenne, d'Aiguillon et Comte du Maine, de Tende, de Sommerive et Marquis de Villars
title: 13 October 1622, Charleville-Mézières (08), Duc par courtoisie de Rethel
marriage: Maria de Gonzague , Mantoue
death: 30 August 1631, Cavriana
Ludovico de Gonzague
birth: 1611
death: 1612
Maria-Margherita de Gonzague
birth: 1612
death: 1612
Maria de Gonzague
birth: 29 July 1609, Mantoue
title: 26 December 1627, Mantoue, Duchesse de Mayenne, d'Aiguillon, de Rethel, Comtesse du Maine, de Tende, de Sommerive et Marquise de Villars
marriage: Carlo de Gonzague (Charles III de Mayenne, Charles II de Rethel) , Mantoue
death: 14 August 1660, Mantoue
Cosimo de Médicis (Cosimo II)
birth: 12 May 1590, Florence
title: 12 May 1590, Florence, Grand-Duc héritier de Toscane
marriage: Maria Magdalena von Österreich , Padoue
title: 17 February 1609, Florence, Grand-Duc de Toscane
death: 28 February 1621, Florence
Caterina de Médicis
birth: 2 May 1593, Florenz
title: 17 February 1617, Turin, Duchesse de Mantoue et de Montferrat
marriage: Ferdinando de Gonzague (Ferdinando Ier) , Turin
death: 17 April 1629, Sienne
Carlo di Ferdinando de’ Medici
birth: 19 March 1595, Florenz
title: 2 December 1615, Rom, Kardinal
title: 1645, Kardinalbischof von Frascati
title: 1645, Kardinalbischof von Sabina
title: 1652, Kardinalbischof von Ostia
title: 1652, Kardinalbischof von Porto
death: 17 June 1666, Florenz
Maria Maddalena de Médicis
birth: 29 June 1600, Florenz
death: 28 December 1633, Florenz
Eleonora de Médicis
birth: 10 November 1591, Florenz
death: 22 November 1617, Florenz
Francesco de Médicis
birth: 14 May 1594, Florenz
death: 17 May 1614, Pisa
Filippo de Médicis
birth: April 1598, Florenz
death: 3 April 1602, Florenz
Lorenzo de Médicis
birth: 1 August 1599, Florenz
death: 15 November 1648, Florenz
Claudia de Médicis
birth: 4 June 1604, Florence
title: 19 April 1626, Innsbruck, Archiduchesse d'Autriche et Comtesse du Tyrol
marriage: Leopold V von Österreich-Tirol , Innsbruck
death: 25 December 1648, Innsbruck
Margaret of Austria
birth: 25 December 1584
marriage: Philip III Habsburg
title: 18 April 1599, Queen Consort of Spain
death: 3 October 1611
Ferdinand II Habsburg
birth: 9 July 1578, Graz, Austria
marriage: Maria Anna von Bayern
title: 29 June 1617, King of Bohemia
title: from 1619 - 15 February 1637, Holy Roman Emperor
title: 20 March 1619, King of Bohemia
title: 9 September 1619, Vienna (Austria)
marriage: Eleonora Gonzaga , Innsbruck
death: 15 February 1637, Vienna (Austria)
Maria Christina von Österreich
birth: 10 November 1574, Graz, Steiermark
title: 1595, Prinzessin von Siebenbürgen
marriage: Sigismund Báthory , Alba Iulia
divorce: Sigismund Báthory
death: 6 April 1621, Hall in Tirol
Karl von Österreich
birth: 7 August 1590, Graz
title: from 1608 - 1624, Bischof von Breslau
title: from 1613 - 1614, Bischof von Brixen
ordination: 1615
title: from 1618 - 1624, Hochmeister des Deutschen Ordens
death: 28 December 1624, Madrid
Maria Magdalena von Österreich
birth: 7 October 1589, Graz
title: 19 October 1608, Passau
marriage: Cosimo de Médicis (Cosimo II) , Padoue
title: 17 February 1609, Florenz, Großherzogin von Toskana
death: 1 November 1631, Padoue
Maximilian Ernst von Österreich
birth: 17 November 1583, Graz
death: 18 February 1616, Graz
Anna von Österreich
birth: 16 August 1573, Graz
marriage: Sigismund III (Zygmunt Iii) Vasa , Warsaw
title: 31 May 1592, Warschau, Reine de Pologne et Grande-Duchesse de Lituanie
title: 19 November 1592, Stockholm, Reine de Suède
death: 10 February 1598, Warschau
Constanze von Österreich
birth: 24 December 1588, Graz
marriage: Sigismund III (Zygmunt Iii) Vasa
title: 11 December 1605, Cracovie, Reine de Pologne, de Suède et Grande-Duchesse de Lituanie
death: 10 July 1631, Warschau
Ferdinand d'Autriche-Styrie
birth: 1572
death: 1572
Catherina d'Autriche-Styrie
birth: 1576
death: 1599
Elisabeth d'Autriche-Styrie
birth: 1577
death: 1586
Karl d'Autriche-Styrie
birth: 1579
death: 1580
Gregoria d'Autriche-Styrie
birth: 1581
death: 1597
Eleonora d'Autriche-Styrie
birth: 1582
death: 1620
Leopold V von Österreich-Tirol
birth: 9 October 1586, Graz
title: 1598, Archduke of Austria
title: 2 November 1618, Kardinal
marriage: Claudia de Médicis , Innsbruck
death: 13 September 1632, Schwaz, Tirol (Bundesland)
Eleonora Magdalena Gonzaga of Mantua
birth: 18 November 1630
title: 30 April 1651
marriage: Ferdinand III Habsburg , Vienna (Austria)
death: 6 December 1686, Vienna (Austria)
Carlo de Gonzague (Carlo II, Charles IV de Mayenne)
birth: 31 October 1629, Mantoue
title: 25 March 1632, Charleville-Mézières (08), Duc de Mayenne, d'Aiguillon, Marquis de Villars et Comte du Maine, de Tende et de Sommerive
title: 22 September 1637, Mantoue, Duc de Nevers, de Mantoue, de Montferrat, de Rethel et Prince d'Arches
marriage: Isabella Clara von Österreich , Mantoue
death: 14 August 1665, Mantoue
Ferdinand Karl von Österreich
birth: 17 May 1628, Innsbruck
title: 13 September 1632, Archduke of Austria
marriage: Anna Claudia de Médicis , Innsbruck
death: 30 December 1662, Kaltern
Sigismund Franz von Habsburg
birth: 27 November 1630, Innsbruck
title: 30 December 1662, Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Archiduc d'Autriche et Comte du Tyrol
marriage: Hedwig von Pfalz-Sulzbach , Sulzbach-Rosenberg, pro cura in der Hofkapelle
death: 25 June 1665, Innsbruck
Maria Leopoldina d'Autriche-Tyrol
birth: 6 April 1632, Innsbruck
title: 2 July 1648, Linz, Kaiserin des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, Reine de Croatie, de Hongrie, de Bohême, des Romains et Archiduchesse d'Autriche
marriage: Ferdinand III Habsburg , Linz
death: 7 August 1649, Vienne
Maria Eleonora d'Autriche-Tyrol
birth: 1627
death: 1629
Isabella Clara von Österreich
birth: 12 August 1629, Innsbruck
marriage: Carlo de Gonzague (Carlo II, Charles IV de Mayenne) , Mantoue
title: 7 November 1649, Mantua, Duchesse de Nevers, de Mantoue, de Montferrat, de Rethel, de Mayenne, d'Aiguillon, Princesse d'Arches, Marquise de Villars et Comtesse du Maine, de Tende et de Sommerive
death: 24 February 1685, Mantua
== 3 ==
Maria-Isabella de Gonzague
birth: 12 February 1665, Guastalla
title: 1670, Duchesse de Mantoue, de Montferrat et Princesse d'Arches
marriage: Ferdinando Carlo von Gonzaga-Nevers
death: 18 November 1730, Mantoue
Suzanne-Henriette d'Elbeuf
birth: 1 February 1686, Paris
marriage: Ferdinando Carlo von Gonzaga-Nevers , Mantoue
title: 8 November 1704, Mantoue, Duchesse de Mantoue, de Montferrat et Princesse d'Arches
death: 19 October 1710, Paris
Ferdinando Carlo von Gonzaga-Nevers
birth: 31 August 1652, Revere
title: 14 August 1665, Mantoue, Duc de Mantoue, de Montferrat et Prince d'Arches
marriage: Maria-Isabella de Gonzague
marriage: Suzanne-Henriette d'Elbeuf , Mantoue
death: 5 July 1708, Padua
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