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Agnes Batthyány b. 19 December 1815 d. 17 September 1853

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Lineage Batthyány
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Agnes Batthyány
Other given names Agnes, Grof Batthyány

Christoph Batthyány [Batthyány] b. 1793 d. 1878

Franziska Xaveria von Gleispach [Gleispach] b. 1 June 1794 d. 24 January 1854


19 December 1815 birth: Szalonak

1833 marriage: Sigmund Anton Batthyány [Batthyány] b. 25 March 1810 d. 19 December 1891

18 September 1843 child birth: Zackersdorf, Ludowika Batthyány [Batthyány] b. 18 September 1843 d. 14 July 1882

17 September 1853 death: Nagycsakany

From grandparents to grandchildren

Franziska Xaveria von Gleispach
birth: 1 June 1794
marriage: Christoph Batthyány
death: 24 January 1854
== 3 ==
Sigmund Anton Batthyány
birth: 25 March 1810, Graz
marriage: Agnes Batthyány
death: 19 December 1891, Nagycsakany
Agnes Batthyány
birth: 19 December 1815, Szalonak
marriage: Sigmund Anton Batthyány
death: 17 September 1853, Nagycsakany
== 3 ==
Maria Jozsef György Ferenc Karoly Nemetujvari Batthyány
birth: 26 June 1836, Wien
marriage: Ludowika Batthyány , Mariazell
death: 24 August 1897, Gleichenberg
Ludowika Batthyány
birth: 18 September 1843, Zackersdorf
marriage: Maria Jozsef György Ferenc Karoly Nemetujvari Batthyány , Mariazell
death: 14 July 1882, Wien
Friedrich Szentmiklosi Pongracz
birth: 22 May 1850, Niedzica
marriage: Antonia Johanna Ludovika Wilhelmine Batthyány
death: 10 September 1932, Bratislava
Aladar Bethleni
birth: 20 November 1854, Beclean
marriage: Wilhelmina Antonia Ludovika Gabriela Batthyány-Strattmann von Nemet-Ujvar , Budapest
death: 24 December 1941, Budapest
Wilhelmina Antonia Ludovika Gabriela Batthyány-Strattmann von Nemet-Ujvar
birth: 15 July 1867, Kiliti
marriage: Aladar Bethleni , Budapest
death: 10 February 1951, Zákány
Sandor Erdödi Grof Palffy
birth: 15 October 1861, Bischof-Teinitz, Böhmen
marriage: Erzsébet Batthyány de Németújvár
death: 3 July 1917, Wien

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