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Philippe Porgès

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Lineage Porgès
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Philippe Porgès
Other given names Théodore Daniel Edmond

Robert Porgès [Porgès] b. 5 June 1885 d. 31 March 1946

Camille Havequez [Havequez]



death: Mort en déportation


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Friederike Porgès
birth: 2 August 1839, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Максиміліан Теодор Шифф
death: 22 June 1904, Vienne (Autriche)
Emilie Porgès
birth: 20 January 1836, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: w Ignaz von Ephrussi
death: 10 September 1900, Vichy (03)
Franziska Porgès
birth: 27 October 1833
marriage: Ferdinand Wertheimer
death: 1876
Théodore Porgès
birth: 3 September 1843, Vienne (Autriche)
occupation: Associé dans la Banque Porgès & Ephrussi
marriage: Матильда Бетті де Вайсвайлер
death: 3 November 1907, Paris (75)
burial: Paris (75), cimetière du Père-Lachaise
Матильда Бетті де Вайсвайлер
birth: 1855, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Théodore Porgès
death: 4 May 1897, Paris (75)
Anna Adeline Porgès
birth: 5 August 1876, Hanovre
marriage: Maximilien Foy (dit Max) , Paris (75), Église Saint-Philippe-du-Roule
divorce: Maximilien Foy (dit Max) , Paris (75)
death: 14 May 1948, Genève
burial: Paris, Cimetière du Père La Chaise, 28e division
Isabelle Porgès
birth: 19 November 1879, Londres, Royaume-Uni
marriage: Marco Borghèse
death: 16 May 1958, Italie, Palais de Scarperia
Edmond Daniel Porgès
birth: 9 November 1878, Londres, Royaume-Uni
marriage: Marie-Mathilde Brodsky
death: 18 March 1941, Lausanne, Suisse
Renée Wilhelmine Julie Porgès
birth: 5 April 1882, Paris (75)
marriage: Eugène de Jonghe
death: June 1965, Onhaye, Belgique, Château de Fontaine
Robert Porgès
birth: 5 June 1885, Paris (75)
marriage: Camille Havequez
death: 31 March 1946
burial: Paris (75), Cimetière du Père-Lachaise
== 3 ==
Jacques Porgès
death: Mort pour la France
Philippe Porgès
death: Mort en déportation
== 3 ==

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