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Nadezhda Avivovna Muschinina b. 1910 d. 1988

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Lineage Muschinin
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Nadezhda Avivovna Muschinina
Other given names Dina


1910 birth: Yaroslavl

child birth: Gorlachev [Gorlachev]

about 1934 marriage: Meyshe Gorlachik (Gorlachev) [Gorlachik] b. 1912 d. 5 October 1969

27 January 1939 child birth: Yaroslavl, Russia, Leonard Gorlachev [Gorlachev] b. 27 January 1939 d. 1 July 2018

about 1946 divorce: Vinnytsia, Ukraine, Meyshe Gorlachik (Gorlachev) [Gorlachik] b. 1912 d. 5 October 1969

1988 death: Stupino (Stupinsky District Moscow Oblast)

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Meyshe Gorlachik (Gorlachev)
birth: 1912, Ryasna, Mahiljouskaja Woblasz, Weißrussland
marriage: Nadezhda Avivovna Muschinina
divorce: Nadezhda Avivovna Muschinina , Vinnytsia, Ukraine
divorce: Roza Zel'manovna Kats (Ginevskaya) , Vinnytsia, Ukraine
marriage: Roza Zel'manovna Kats (Ginevskaya) , Vinnytsia, Ukraine
marriage: Anna ? (Gorlacev(?)) , Vinnytsia, Ukraine
divorce: Anna ? (Gorlacev(?)) , Vinnytsia, Ukraine
death: 5 October 1969, Moskau, Russland
burial: after 5 October 1969, Moscow, Vostryakovsky Cemetery
Nadezhda Avivovna Muschinina
birth: 1910, Yaroslavl
marriage: Meyshe Gorlachik (Gorlachev)
divorce: Meyshe Gorlachik (Gorlachev) , Vinnytsia, Ukraine
death: 1988, Stupino (Stupinsky District Moscow Oblast)
== 1 ==
Yakob Gorlachev
birth: 23 July 1956, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
death: 7 December 1956, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Boris Petrovich Mochalov
birth: 27 June 1936, Moscow, Russia
marriage: Gorlachev
death: 9 June 2000, Moscow, Russia
Oleg Nikolaevich Antonov
birth: 24 December 1935
marriage: Gorlachev
death: 8 March 2005, Kochubeyevskoye, Russland
Nikolay ?
birth: Lived in Moscow
marriage: Gorlachev
Leonard Gorlachev
birth: 27 January 1939, Yaroslavl, Russia
religion: Orthodox
death: 1 July 2018, Yaroslavl, Russia
Artem Vladimirovich Ivanin
birth: 7 August 1969, Yaroslavl, Russia
marriage: Gorlachev
death: 11 March 2005, Yaroslavl, Russia

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