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Diana Olivia Manners b. 29 August 1893 d. 16 June 1986

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Lineage Manners
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Diana Olivia Manners
Other given names Diana Olivia Winifred Maud Cooper, Viscountess Norwich, Lady Diana Manners

Henry Manners (8th Duke of Rutland) [Manners] b. 16 April 1852 d. 8 May 1925

Marion Margaret Violet Lindsay [Lindsay] b. 7 March 1856 d. 22 December 1937

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Diana Cooper


29 August 1893 birth: London

16 June 1986 death: London

From grandparents to grandchildren

John James Robert Manners (7th Duke of Rutland)
birth: 13 December 1818, Belvoir Castle
marriage: Catherine Louisa Georgina Marley
death: 4 August 1906, Belvoir Castle
Henry Manners (8th Duke of Rutland)
birth: 16 April 1852, London
marriage: Marion Margaret Violet Lindsay , St George's, Hanover Square, London
death: 8 May 1925
Marion Margaret Violet Lindsay
birth: 7 March 1856, Haigh Hall, Lancashire, England
marriage: Henry Manners (8th Duke of Rutland) , St George's, Hanover Square, London
death: 22 December 1937
== 3 ==
John Henry Montaqu Manners (9th Duke of Rutland)
birth: 21 September 1886, London
marriage: Kathleen Tennant
death: 22 April 1940, Belvoir Castle
Diana Olivia Manners
birth: 29 August 1893, London
death: 16 June 1986, London
== 3 ==

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