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Michael Danilin b. 1926 d. 1970

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Lineage Danilin
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Michael Danilin


1926 birth: Moscow, Russia

15 October 1956 child birth: Moscow, Russia, Grigory Danilin [Gorlachev] b. 15 October 1956 d. 5 May 1995

1970 death: Moscow, Russia

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Raya Aranovich
birth: 3 January 1935, Mogilev Region, Belarus, Riasna
death: 31 December 2006, Petah Tikva, Israel
Michael Danilin
birth: 1926, Moscow, Russia
death: 1970, Moscow, Russia
== 1 ==
Grigory Danilin
birth: 15 October 1956, Moscow, Russia
marriage count: 1
death: 5 May 1995

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