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Fernando Fernandes (Fernandes) b. 1 August 1933

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Lineage Fernandes
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Fernando Fernandes
Other last names Fernandes
Other given names Elias

António Elias Fernandes (Elias) [Fernandes] b. 9 June 1907 d. 30 May 1983

Maria Teresa Pires (Fernandes) [Pires] b. 13 February 1910 d. 21 June 2003

Wiki-page Fernando Fernandes


1 August 1933 birth: Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)

marriage: Judite Lopes (da Conceição) [Lopes] b. May 1936 d. 5 December 2021

estimated 1950 emigration: Mozambique

29 March 1960 child birth: (Southern Africa) Lourenço Marques, Victor Manuel Fernandes [Fernandes] b. 29 March 1960

estimated 1961 emigration: Johannesburg, South Africa

28 April 1963 child birth: Aldeia da Barragem, Teresa Fernandes (da Conceição Lopes) [Fernandes] b. 28 April 1963

after 1986 retirement: Chaves (Portugal)

2000 residence: Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal


Nascido em Vilela Sêca- Chaves Portugal Casado com Judite da Conceição Lopes, Teve 7 irmãos e irmãs sendo ele, dos irmãos o mais velho.


O nome FERNANDES significa pessoa de boa família, honrado, originado das colinas de Portugal. As primeiras pessoas viveram em uma parte a oeste da Península Ibérica, há mais de 500 anos atrás. Porém, a primeira cultura identificada é a dos Ibéricos. Evidências arqueológicas nesta região são de aproximadamente 5000 a.C. Milhares de anos mais tarde, os Celtas invadiram a região. As duas culturas, Celtas e ibéricos, eventualmente se juntaram para formar uma definida cultura conhecida como Lusitanos. Mercadores Fenícios, conhecidos como Cartagineses, também foram comuns durante o séc. IX a.C.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ana Graça Barreira Fernandes
birth: 15 July 1880, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
Arminda da Graça Barreira Fernandes
birth: 5 February 1882, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
João Maria Fernandes
birth: 8 December 1885, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
death: 21 August 1963, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
José Elias Fernandes
birth: 15 September 1883, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
marriage: Isménia Garcia (Fernandes)
marriage: Isménia Garcia (Fernandes) , Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
death: 16 June 1950, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
Feliz Romão Garcia
birth: 11 September 1883, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
António Maria Garcia
birth: 8 April 1884, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
death: 8 June 1889, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
Francisco Romão Garcia
birth: 29 December 1887, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
death: 31 August 1889, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
Isménia Garcia (Fernandes)
birth: 13 February 1882, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal), (foi registada no dia 19 de Fevereiro 1882)
marriage: José Elias Fernandes
marriage: José Elias Fernandes , Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
death: 23 June 1963
José Pires
birth: Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
marriage: Senhorinha Lopes
Senhorinha Lopes
birth: Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
marriage: José Pires
Mário Fernandes
birth: after 1917, Vilela Seca
emigration: São Paulo, Brazil
occupation: Tailor
marriage: Maria da Assunção . (Fernandes)
death: Brazil
Beatriz dos Anjos Elias Fernandes (Fernandes)
birth: after 1908, Vilela seca Chaves
death: Vilela seca Chaves
António Elias Fernandes (Elias)
birth: 9 June 1907, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
occupation: Comerciante
marriage: Maria Teresa Pires (Fernandes)
death: 30 May 1983, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
Hirminio Pires
birth: Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
death: Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
João Pires
birth: Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
marriage: Maria Candida Barroso
marriage: Maria Candida Barroso
death: Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
Maria Teresa Pires (Fernandes)
birth: 13 February 1910, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
marriage: António Elias Fernandes (Elias)
death: 21 June 2003, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
== 3 ==
Adérito Fernandes
birth: Vilela Seca
marriage: Rosa Maria ? (Fernandes)
death: 1998, Cacém, Portugal, Passed away (dearly missed)
Mário Pires Fernandes
birth: 28 September 1943, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
education: 4º ano de escolaridade
marriage: Alzira da Conceição Morais
marriage: Alzira da Conceição Morais
emigration: 1957, Maputo, Mozambique, Lourenço Marques, Emigrou para Moçambique e dedicando-se ao comércio.
marriage: Alzira da Conceição Morais , Maputo, Mozambique, Lourenço Marques
residence: 1975, Portugal, Regressou a Portugal depois do 25 de Abril, radicou-se em Chaves, sua terra natal, em 1977 mudou-se para Alverca do Ribatejo onde hoje reside.
Hirminio Fernandes
birth: Vilela Seca
marriage: Cristina ? (Fernandes)
death: Lisbon, Portugal
Judite Lopes (da Conceição)
birth: May 1936, São Pedro Vale do Conde Mirandela
marriage: Fernando Fernandes (Fernandes)
death: 5 December 2021
Fernando Fernandes (Fernandes)
birth: 1 August 1933, Vilela Seca, Chaves (Portugal)
marriage: Judite Lopes (da Conceição)
emigration: estimated 1950, Mozambique
emigration: estimated 1961, Johannesburg, South Africa
retirement: after 1986, Chaves (Portugal)
residence: 2000, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal
== 3 ==
Lucia da Silva (Fernandes)
birth: 20 January 1962, Santa Maria da Feira
graduation: Johannesburg South Africa BURNHAM Business College, Accountant (book keeping)
education: Sir Edmund Hillary -- Athlone Girls -- Burnham business college (Accountancy)
nationality: Dual citizenship South African/Portuguese
marriage: Victor Manuel Fernandes
marriage: 5 December 1981, Johannesburg South Africa
marriage: Victor Manuel Fernandes , Cathedral Christ the King Johannesburg South Africa
marriage: Victor Manuel Fernandes , Johannesburg South Africa
Victor Manuel Fernandes
birth: 29 March 1960, (Southern Africa) Lourenço Marques
nationality: Dual citizenship South African/Portuguese
education: Bez Valley Junior School (Gr1-Gr4) Sir Edmund Hillary School (Gr5-Gr7) Malvern High Technical School (Gr8-Gr12) Wits Techikon (Ntc4-Ntc6) Faculty of Engineering
other: Hoquei em Patins, Sport Roller Hockey Distinctions Southern Transvaal selection 1980 South African National Selection 1978
marriage: Lucia da Silva (Fernandes)
graduation: 18 August 1981, Mechanical Engineer (BSC) Johannesburg South Africa
marriage: Lucia da Silva (Fernandes) , Cathedral Christ the King Johannesburg South Africa
marriage: Lucia da Silva (Fernandes) , Johannesburg South Africa
immigration: January 1992, Portugal, Moved from South Africa to Portugal End of December 1991 Mudou-se de Africa do Sul para Portugal no fim Dezembro 1991
residence: 1 January 1992, Santa Maria da Feira
Teresa Fernandes (da Conceição Lopes)
birth: 28 April 1963, Aldeia da Barragem
Claudio Fernandes (Miguel Da Silva)
birth: 14 May 1983, Johannesburg South Africa
nationality: Dual citizenship South African/Portuguese
immigration: January 1992, Santa Maria da Feira
education: August 2005, Colégio Espinho, Hotel and Tourism Management
Ricardo Costa (Fernandes)
birth: 31 May 1985, Johannesburg South Africa
nationality: Dual citizenship South African/Portuguese
education: 2004, Santa Maria da Feira Secundary School
residence: 2004, Coimbra
graduation: 2009, Portugal, Universidade de Coimbra, Licentiate's degree in Biology
occupation: from September 2009 -, Portugal, Universidade de Coimbra, M.Sc. Student in Biotechnology
Nicole da Costa (Fernandes)
birth: about, Johannesburg South Africa

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