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Naum Gorlachik (Gorlachev)

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Lineage Gorlachik
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Naum Gorlachik
Other last names Gorlachev

Nokham Gorlachik (Gorlachev) [Gorlachik] b. between 1875 and 1893 d. 1 March 1942

Tane-Gesche ? (Gorlachik) [?] d. 1 March 1942


birth: Mogilev Region, Belarus

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ψ ? ?
birth: Belarus
marriage: Ψ ? Gorlachik
Abram Gorlachik
birth: between 1844 and 1845, Russian Empire, Belarus, ?
marriage: Mariashe ? (Gorlachik) , Russian Empire, Belarus?
death: before 1894, Rasna (Mogilev Region), Belarus
Mariashe ? (Gorlachik)
birth: between 1845 and 1846, Belarus, Russian Empire, ?
marriage: Abram Gorlachik , Russian Empire, Belarus?
death: after 1894, Mogilev Governorate, Russian Empire, Riasna
? Gorlachik (?)
birth: Mogilev Province, Russian Empire, Belarus?
marriage: ? ?
children count: 3 or 7 daughters
death: USA
? Gorlachik
birth: before 1885
death: after 1940
Khae-Sore Gorlachik (?)
birth: Mogilev Region, Russian Empire, Belarus?
marriage count: 1
death: after 1945, Kharkov, Ukraine
Peshe Gorlachik (Shereshevsky)
birth: estimated 1881, Mogilev Governorate, Russian Empire, Riasna
marriage: Boris Shereshevsky
marriage: Boris Shereshevsky
death: 2 March 1966, Moscow, USSR
burial: Moscow, Russia, Vostryakovskoe Cemetery
Josef-Meer Gorlachik (Gorlachev)
birth: 18 December 1870, Gebiet Mogilow Belarus
marriage: Rebekah Shkolnik(ov) (Gorlachik, Gorlachev) , Rasna (Mogilev Region), Belarus
fact 1: from 1914 - 1917, Deutschland, from 1914 to 1917 event 1: Germany. He or one of his brothers was in German captivity during the 1st World War
marriage: Mindla Schumschonovna ? (Guberman, Gorlachewa) , Uzbekistan, near Taschkent
death: 21 February 1969, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
Aizik Gorlachik
marriage: Rivka ? (Gorlachik)
residence: before 1906, Rasna (Mogilev Region), Russian Empire, Belarus ? Until 1906, he left Ryasna with his wife and children.
Nokham Gorlachik (Gorlachev)
birth: between 1875 and 1893, Mogilev Governorate, Russian Empire, ?
marriage: Tane-Gesche ? (Gorlachik)
death: 1 March 1942, Rasna (Mogilev Region), Belarus, USSR
Tane-Gesche ? (Gorlachik)
birth: Mogilev, Gebiet Mogilov, Belarus
marriage: Nokham Gorlachik (Gorlachev)
death: 1 March 1942, Belarus, Rasna, Mahiljouskaja Woblasz
== 3 ==
Abram Gorlachik (Gorlachev)
birth: Mahiljouskaja Woblasz, Belarus
death: 1 March 1942, Rasna, Mahiljouskaja Woblasz, Belarus
Khana (?) Gorlachik (Gorlachev)
birth: Rasna (Mogilev Region), Mogilev Region, Belarus
death: 1 March 1942, Rasna (Mogilev Region), Mogilev region, Belarus
Naum Gorlachik (Gorlachev)
birth: Mogilev Region, Belarus
== 3 ==

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