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From Rodovid EN
Lineage | People of the Holy Scriptures |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Milcah |
♂ w Haran [People of the Holy Scriptures] d. after -1760 | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:en:Milcah |
birth: Близький Схід, Божий Материк
child birth: ♂ Кесед [Люди Святого Писания]
child birth: ♂ Хазо [Люди Святого Писания]
child birth: ♂ Pildash [People of the Holy Scriptures]
child birth: ♂ Идлаф [Люди Святого Писания]
child birth: ♂ Камуэль [Люди Святого Писания]
child birth: ♂ Вуз [Люди Святого Писания]
child birth: ♂ Bethuel ? [People of the Holy Scriptures]
marriage: Близький Схід, Божий Материк, ♂ w Nahor [People of the Holy Scriptures] , ♀ w ראומה [?]
death: Близький Схід, Божий Материк
From grandparents to grandchildren