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Alfonso Giuseppe di Collalto e San Salvatore b. 10 July 1814 d. 28 June 1890

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Lineage Collalto
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Alfonso Giuseppe di Collalto e San Salvatore
Other given names Alfonso Giuseppe, Conte di Collalto e San Salvatore

Anton Octavian von Collalto und San Salvatore [Collalto] b. 5 August 1784 d. 23 November 1854

Carolina Maria Anna Nagyapponyi, Grof Apponyi [Apponyi] b. 28 August 1789 d. 20 April 1872


10 July 1814 birth: Wien, Am Hof 420,

residence: Wien

10 April 1840 marriage: Wien, Ida Colloredo-Mannsfeld [Colloredo] b. 13 February 1816 d. 5 June 1857

5 May 1842 child birth: Pirnitz, Tschechien, Ottaviano Antonio di Collalto [Collalto] b. 5 May 1842 d. 28 May 1912

28 June 1890 death: Wien

From grandparents to grandchildren

Antal György Nagyapponyi, Grof Apponyi
birth: 4 December 1755, Bratislava, или 1751
title: граф
marriage: Maria Carolina Ana von Lodron-Laterano und Castelromano
death: 17 March 1817, Wien
Maria Carolina Ana von Lodron-Laterano und Castelromano
birth: 25 April 1756, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
marriage: Antal György Nagyapponyi, Grof Apponyi
death: 29 May 1825, Wien
Anton Octavian von Collalto und San Salvatore
birth: 5 August 1784, Venedig
marriage: Carolina Maria Anna Nagyapponyi, Grof Apponyi , Wien
death: 23 November 1854, Pirnitz
Antal Apponyi de Nagy-Appony
birth: 7 December 1782, Bratislava
marriage: Maria Theresia von Nogarola , Wien
death: 17 October 1852, Nagyappony
György Nagyapponyi, Grof Apponyi
birth: 3 July 1780, Bratislava
marriage: Anna Zichi, Grof Zichy
death: 3 August 1849
Joseph Eustachius Johannes Nagyapponyi Grof Apponyi
birth: 20 September 1784
marriage: Terez Pejácsevich de Veröcze , Virovitica, Kroatien
death: 11 March 1863
== 3 ==
Eduard von Collalto und San Salvatore
birth: 17 October 1810, Wien
marriage: Caroline Nagyapponyi Grof Apponyi
death: 24 March 1862, Wien
Alfonso Giuseppe di Collalto e San Salvatore
birth: 10 July 1814, Wien, Am Hof 420,
residence: Wien
marriage: Ida Colloredo-Mannsfeld , Wien
death: 28 June 1890, Wien
== 3 ==
Anna Franziska zu Solms-Hohensolms-Lich
birth: 2 June 1844, Pirnitz, Tschechien
marriage: Ottaviano Antonio di Collalto , Lich, Hessen
death: 7 May 1904, Graz, Österreich
Ottaviano Antonio di Collalto
birth: 5 May 1842, Pirnitz, Tschechien
marriage: Anna Franziska zu Solms-Hohensolms-Lich , Lich, Hessen
death: 28 May 1912, Castello di San Salvatore, Treviso, Venetien, Italien
Gabriela Maria Anna Theresia Erwina von Abensperg-Traun
birth: 25 April 1873, Schloss Petronell
marriage: Rambald Graf von Collalto und San Salvatore , Wien
death: 13 May 1964, Wien
Rambald Graf von Collalto und San Salvatore
birth: 10 February 1868, Lich, Hessen
marriage: Gabriela Maria Anna Theresia Erwina von Abensperg-Traun , Wien
death: 26 December 1913, Castello di San Salvatore, Treviso, Venetien, Italien
Thekla von Isenburg-Büdingen
birth: 16 October 1878, Büdingen, Hessen
marriage: Manfredo di Collalto e San Salvatore , Büdingen, Hessen
death: 22 February 1950
Manfredo di Collalto e San Salvatore
birth: 18 January 1870, Castello di San Salvatore, Treviso, Venetien, Italien
marriage: Thekla von Isenburg-Büdingen , Büdingen, Hessen
death: 22 July 1940, Ungarschitz, Tschechien

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