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Thomas Prinzhorn b. 5 March 1943

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Lineage Prinzhorn
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Thomas Prinzhorn
Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Thomas Prinzhorn


5 March 1943 birth: Wien

12 May 1979 child birth: Wien, Karl Philipp zu Schwarzenberg [Schwarzenberg] b. 12 May 1979

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Thomas Prinzhorn
birth: 5 March 1943, Wien
== 1 ==
Johannes zu Schwarzenberg
birth: 13 December 1967, Wien
marriage: Diana Orgovanyi-Hanstein , Neuberg an der Mürz
Karl Philipp zu Schwarzenberg
birth: 12 May 1979, Wien
adoption: 1987, Thomas Prinzhorn
marriage: Anna von Eltz gt Faust von Stromberg , Altaussee

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