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Elizaveta Ivanovna Mordvinov b. 4 April 1803 d. 4 February 1879

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Lineage Mordvinov
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Elizaveta Ivanovna Mordvinov

Иван Яковлевич Мордвинов [Мордвиновы] b. 5 September 1769 d. 25 August 1850

Anastasia Iakovlevna Podvysotsky (Mordvinov) [Podvysotsky] b. 1 November 1744 d. 18 April 1809


4 April 1803 birth:

4 February 1879 death:


  • Traduit de la fiche russe

Elle mourut jeune.
Elle est enterrée au grand monastère de Tikhvine.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Iakov Iakovlevitch Mordvinov
birth: 14 March 1729, Empire russe
marriage: Varvara Stepanovna Chamchev (Mordvinov)
death: 12 March 1799
Varvara Stepanovna Chamchev (Mordvinov)
birth: 26 November 1730, Empire russe
marriage: Iakov Iakovlevitch Mordvinov
death: 28 July 1780
burial: after 28 July 1780, Pachski pogost de l'ouïezd de Novaïa Ladoga du gouvernement de Saint-Pétersbourg de l'Empire russe
Grigori Iakovlevitch Mordvinov
birth: 1760, Empire russe
caste: capitaine
death: 3 March 1793
Anna Iakovlevna Mordvinov (Lepiokhine)
birth: 23 January 1765
marriage: Fiodor ? Lepiokhine
death: 22 September 1811, Empire russe
Олексій Якович Підвисоцький
military service: [[сотник]] Козелецький Київського полку
military service: from 1742 - 1762, Київський [[полковий обозний]]
== 3 ==
Iakov Ivanovitch Mordvinov
birth: 19 September 1804
death: 19 December 1850
Elizaveta Ivanovna Mordvinov
birth: 4 April 1803
death: 4 February 1879
== 3 ==

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