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Catherine Menard (Épouse de Michel Amette) b. calculated 1712 d. 8 January 1778

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Lineage Menard
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Catherine Menard
Other last names Épouse de Michel Amette


calculated 1712 birth:

marriage: Michel Amette [Amette] d. before January 1778

8 January 1778 death: Hadancourt-le-Haut-Clocher (60)

9 January 1778 burial: Hadancourt-le-Haut-Clocher (60),


From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Michel Amette
occupation: Hadancourt-le-Haut-Clocher (60), laboureur.
marriage: Catherine Menard (Épouse de Michel Amette)
death: before January 1778
Catherine Menard (Épouse de Michel Amette)
birth: calculated 1712
marriage: Michel Amette
death: 8 January 1778, Hadancourt-le-Haut-Clocher (60)
burial: 9 January 1778, Hadancourt-le-Haut-Clocher (60),
{{SeN |Source Inhumation={{Hadancourt-le-Haut-Clocher (60) 1752-1792 - 3E293/3 (BMS) |Vue=117|Quadrant=|Présentation=}} |Numéro de l'acte= |Témoins Inhumation= Jacques Julien son gendre, Jean Lemaire son petit-neveu. |Officiants Inhumation= [[Personne:582604|Fleury]] curé. |Présents Inhumation=André Jullien |Remarques Inhumation= }}
== 1 ==

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