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Leopold von Freystedt b. 14 September 1840 d. 30 January 1917

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Lineage Freystedt
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Leopold von Freystedt
Other given names Carl Johann Leopold, Freiherr von Freystedt

w Heinrich Gustav Ludwig von Freystedt [Freystedt] b. 1 September 1809 d. 8 May 1885

Aloyse de Blonay [Blonay] b. 2 March 1813 d. 14 June 1837

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Leopold von Freystedt


14 September 1840 birth:

6 November 1877 marriage: Olga von Zeppelin [Zeppelin] b. 27 November 1846 d. 18 April 1920

30 January 1917 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Maximilian Speck
birth: 30 July 1776, Gröba (Riesa), Sachsen
death: 22 December 1833, Leibzig
Karl Friedrich Herman von Freystedt
birth: 11 December 1776, Karlsruhe
marriage: Louise Julie Hauchecorne
death: 29 August 1851
Hermine Karoline Luise von Freystedt
birth: 8 January 1808, Karlsruhe
marriage: Carl Theodor Alois von Kageneck
death: 21 January 1892, Munzingen
Heinrich Gustav Ludwig von Freystedt
birth: 1 September 1809, Bruchsal
marriage: Aloyse de Blonay
death: 8 May 1885, Karlsruhe
Aloyse de Blonay
birth: 2 March 1813
marriage: Heinrich Gustav Ludwig von Freystedt
death: 14 June 1837
== 3 ==
Olga von Zeppelin
birth: 27 November 1846, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
marriage: w Leopold von Freystedt
death: 18 April 1920
Leopold von Freystedt
birth: 14 September 1840
marriage: Olga von Zeppelin
death: 30 January 1917
== 3 ==

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