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Walter William's son Scott

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Full name (at birth) Walter William's son Scott

William Walter's son Scott [Scott]

Margaret Meiklemouthed Meg Gideon's Daughter Murray (Scott) [Murray]


child birth: Walter Walter's son Beardie Scott [Scott]


Sir Walter Scott was the first literary man of a great riding, sporting, and fighting clan. Indeed, his father--- a Writer to the Signet, or Edinburgh solicitor---was the first of his race to adopt a town life and a sedentary profession. Sir Walter was the lineal descendant---six generations removed---of that Walter Scott commemorated in The Lay of the Last Minstrel, who is known in Border history and legend as Auld Wat of Harden. Auld Wat's son William, captured by Sir Gideon Murray, of Elibank, during a raid of the Scotts on Sir Gideon's lands, was, as tradition says, given his choice between being hanged on Sir Gideon's private gallows, and marrying the ugliest of Sir Gideon's three ugly daughters, Meiklemouthed Meg, reputed as carrying off the prize of ugliness among the women of four counties. Sir William was a handsome man. He took three days to consider the alternative proposed to him, but chose life with the large-mouthed lady in the end; and found her, according to the tradition which the poet, her descendant, has transmitted, an excellent wife, with a fine talent for pickling the beef which her husband stole from the herds of his foes. Meiklemouthed Meg transmitted a distinct trace of her large mouth to all her descendants, and not least to him who was to use his "meikle" mouth to best advantage as the spokesman of his race. Rather more than half-way between Auld Wat of Harden's times---i. e., the middle of the sixteenth century---and those of Sir Walter Scott, poet and novelist, lived Sir Walter's great-grandfather, Walter Scott generally known in Teviotdale by the surname of Beardie, because he would never cut his beard after the banishment of the Stuarts, and who took arms in their cause and lost by his intrigues on their behalf almost all that he had, besides running the greatest risk of being hanged as a traitor.

Вальтер Скотт родился 15 августа 1771 года в Эдинбурге, культурном центре Шотландии. Свою родословную писатель довольно выразительно представил в автобиографическом очерке «Я родился не в блеске, однако и не в ничтожестве. В согласии с условностями моей страны происхождение мое сочли благородным, так как по отцовской, да и по материнской линии тоже я был связан родством, хоть и дальним, со старинными семействами. Дедом отца был Вальтер Скотт, коего хорошо знали в долине Тивиота под прозвищем «Борода». Он был вторым сыном Вальтера Скотта, первого лорда Рэйберна, а тот в свою очередь - третьим сыном Вильяма Скотта и внуком Вальтера Скотта, именуемого в семейных преданиях «Старым Уоттом», - хозяина Хардена. Стало быть, я прямой потомок сего древнего предводителя, чье имя прозвучало во многих моих виршах, и его прекрасной жены, Цветка Ярроу, - недурная родословная для менестреля Пограничного края». (Пограничный край - область на юге Британии, где Шотландия граничит с английскими графствами. Там жили предки Вальтера Скотта и он сам).

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