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Euphemia von Oels b. 1404 d. 27 November 1442

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Lineage Piast
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Euphemia von Oels

w Konrad III von Oels [Piasten] b. from 1354 - 1359 d. 28 December 1412

Jutta [?] d. between 1416 and 1419

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Euphemia von Oels


1404 birth:

child birth: Маria d'Anhalt-Dessau [Anhalt]

child birth: Hedwig d'Anhalt-Dessau [Anhalt] d. before 1516

child birth: Barbara d'Anhalt-Dessau [Anhalt]

child birth: Hedwig d'Anhalt-Dessau [Anhalt]

child birth: Аnna d'Anhalt-Dessau [Anhalt] d. 8 April 1492

child birth: Margarethe d'Anhalt-Dessau [Anhalt] d. before 1516

1432 marriage: Georg I von Anhalt-Zerbst [Anhalt-Zerbst] b. 1390 d. 21 September 1474

1432 title: Princesse d'Anhalt-Dessau

27 November 1442 death:


See also in Wikipedia :
• Euphemia von Oels (de)

This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Konrad II von Oels
birth: between 1338 and 1340
marriage: Agnes von Schlesien-Teschen
death: 10 June 1403, Trzebnica
Пшемыслав I Носак Пяст
birth: between 1332 and 1336, Цешин
marriage: Элизабет Бытомская Пяст
title: from 1358 - 1410, Князь Цешинский
title: from 1358 - 1369, Князь Бытомский
title: from 1358 - 1359, Князь Севежский
title: from 1369 - 1405, Князь Севежский
title: from 1384 - 23 August 1410, Князь Глогувский
title: from 1384 - 23 August 1410, Князь Сцинавский
title: from 1406 - 23 August 1410, Князь Освенцимский
death: 23 August 1410, Цешин
Анна Цешинская Пястович
birth: 1325, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Венцель I Пястович из Силезии-Легницы
death: 1367, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
Ziemowit von Schlesien-Teschen
birth: 1340
death: 25 September 1391
Wladislaw von Schlesien-Teschen
birth: between 1325 and 1331
death: May 1355
Konrad III von Oels
birth: from 1354 - 1359
marriage: Jutta
death: 28 December 1412
marriage: Konrad III von Oels
death: between 1416 and 1419
== 3 ==
Georg I von Anhalt-Zerbst
birth: 1390
title: 19 January 1405, князь Ангальт-Дессау
marriage: Маthilda d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
marriage: Euphemia von Oels
marriage: Sofie von Honstein
marriage: Anna de Lindow-Ruppin
death: 21 September 1474
Euphemia von Oels
birth: 1404
marriage: Georg I von Anhalt-Zerbst
title: 1432, Princesse d'Anhalt-Dessau
death: 27 November 1442
== 3 ==
Ernst von Anhalt-Zerbst
birth: 1454
title: 21 September 1474, Furst von Anhalt-Zerbst, Anhalt-Dessau
marriage: Margarethe Podiebrad von Münsterberg-Oels , Cottbus
death: 12 July 1516
Waldemar VI von Anhalt-Zerbst (in Köthen)
birth: 1450
title: 1473, Prince d'Anhalt-Köthen
marriage: Margarete von Schwarzburg-Blankenburg
death: 1 November 1508
Аgnese d'Anhalt-Dessau
birth: 1445
death: 15 August 1504, Cassel
Scholastica d'Anhalt-Dessau
birth: 1451
death: 31 July 1504, Eichsfeld, Thuringe, Allemagne
Georg d'Anhalt-Dessau (Georg II)
birth: 1454
title: 21 September 1474, Dessau, Prince d'Anhalt-Dessau
marriage: Agnese de Poméranie
death: 25 April 1509
Rudolf d'Anhalt-Dessau
death: 7 September 1510
Sigismund d'Anhalt-Dessau
birth: 1456
death: 27 November 1487, Dessau
Аnna d'Anhalt-Dessau
death: 8 April 1492
Margarethe d'Anhalt-Dessau
death: before 1516
Hedwig d'Anhalt-Dessau
death: before 1516

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