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Мария де Бурбон-Ла-Марш b. 1410 d. 1445

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Lineage Бурбоны
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Мария де Бурбон-Ла-Марш

Беатриса д'Эвре [Эвре-Наварра] b. October 1386 d. 14 December 1407


1410 birth:

occupation: монахиня в Амьене

1445 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Juana de Navarra
birth: 10 June 1370, Pamplona, España
marriage: John V de Bretagne
title: 2 September 1386, Reina Consorte de Inglaterra.
title: 7 February 1403, Londres, Reine d'Angleterre, Dame d'Irlande et Duchesse d'Aquitaine
marriage: Henry IV Plantagenet (Bolingbroke, Lancaster) , London
death: 9 July 1437, Havering Bower, Essex, Inglaterra
Leonel I de Navarra
birth: 1378
title: Visconde de Murazabal y Val d´llzarte
marriage: Maria Juan
death: 1413
Pierre de Navarre
title: between 1366 and 1412, Comte de Mortain
Carlos III de Navarra
birth: 22 July 1361, Mantes, Francia
marriage: w Eleanor de Castille , Soria
title: from 1387 - 1425, Rey de Navarra.
title: from 1387 - 1404, Conde de Evreux.
death: 8 September 1425, Olite, Navarra, España
Alfonso Enríquez de Castilla (Count of Gijón y Noreña)
birth: 1355
title: November 1368, Conde de Noroña y de Gijon
title: 1372, Santiago de Compostela, Conde de Noreña e de Gijón
marriage: Isabel Viseu (of Portugal) , Santarém (Portugal)
death: 27 August 1395
Juan I of Castile
birth: 24 August 1358
marriage: Eleanor of Aragon , Soria
title: 29 May 1379, King of Castile and Léon
marriage: w Beatrice de Portugal , Elvas
death: 9 October 1390, Alcalá de Henares
Beatriz de Castilla y Ponce de León
title: Señora de Niebla, Condesa de Niebla
marriage: Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán y Osorio
death: 1409
Fadrique de Castilla
birth: 1360
title: 1378, Duque de Benavente
birth: 1394
death: 1420
Henri de Cabra
birth: 1377
title: duc de Cabra et de Medina Sidonia
property: seigneur de Morón, Alcalá de los Gazules, Portillo et Aranda de Duero
death: 1404
burial: Cordoue, enterré dans la cathédrale de Cordoue
Marie de Villas
birth: 1375
death: 1393
Leonor de Los Leones
property: dame de Los Leones
Eleanor de Castille
birth: 1364
title: Infante de Castille
marriage: Carlos III de Navarra , Soria
title: 27 May 1375, Soria, Princesse héritière de Navarre
title: 1 January 1387, Pampelune, Reine de Navarre
death: 1416
Бланка I Наваррская
birth: 6 July 1387
title: 26 December 1402, королева Сицилии
marriage: w Martin I von Sizilien
title: 18 January 1420, королева Наварры
marriage: John II Trastámara , Pamplona
title: 8 September 1425, герцогиня Немурская
death: 1 April 1441, Санта-Мария-ла-Реаль-де-Ньева, Кастилия
Isabelle de Navarre
birth: 13 July 1396, Estella-Lizarra
title: 10 May 1419, Paris, Comtesse d'Armagnac, de Rodez et de Fézensac
marriage: Jean IV d'Armagnac , Paris
death: January 1444, L'Isle-Jourdain (63)
Jeanne de Navarre
birth: 8 November 1382, Barajas de Melo
title: 12 October 1402, Paris (75), Comtesse héritière de Foix
marriage: w Jean III de Foix , Paris (75)
title: 1412, Comtesse de Foix, Vicomtesse de Béarn, de Marsan, de Castelbon et Coprincesse d'Andorre
death: July 1413, Pau (64)
Jacques II de Bourbon
birth: 1370
title: 11 June 1393, граф де Ла Марш
title: 1403, граф Кастра
marriage: Беатриса д'Эвре , Pampelune
title: 1415, губернатор Лангедока
marriage: Джованна II , Neapel
death: 24 September 1438, Besançon, Frankreich
Беатриса д'Эвре
birth: October 1386
title: 14 September 1406
marriage: Jacques II de Bourbon , Pampelune
death: 14 December 1407, Olite
== 3 ==
Изабелла де Бурбон-Ла-Марш
birth: 1408
occupation: монахиня в Безансоне
death: 1445
Éleonore de Bourbon-La Marche
birth: 7 September 1407
title: 1429
marriage: Bernard VIII d’Armagnac
death: 1471
Мария де Бурбон-Ла-Марш
birth: 1410
occupation: монахиня в Амьене
death: 1445
== 3 ==

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