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Sibilia d'Escrivà i de Pròixita

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Lineage Escrivà
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Sibilia d'Escrivà i de Pròixita


marriage: w Rodrigo Gil de Borja i de Fennolet [Borgia]

1390 child birth: w Jeoffrey Lanchol (Jofré Llançol i Escrivà) [Lanchol] b. 1390 d. before 24 March 1437

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Rodrigo Lanzol Borja (Borgia) (Pope Alexander VI)
birth: 1 January 1431, Xàtiva, Kingdom of Aragon
title: 1456, кардинал-протодьякон
title: 1458, archevêque de Valence
title: 1466, évêque d'Urgell, coprince d'Andorre
title: 1468, cardinal-évêque d'Albano
title: 1476, cardinal-évêque de Porto-Santa Rufina
title: 11 August 1492, Rome, Pope, Alexander VI
death: 18 August 1503, Rome, Italy

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