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Enrichetta Gastaldi

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Lineage Gastaldi
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Enrichetta Gastaldi


marriage: Ugo Pasquini, Conte di Costafiorita [Pasquini] b. 19 March 1890 d. 1963

26 April 1911 child birth: San Angelo, Мария-Антуанетта Паскини деи Конти ди Костафьорита [Паскини] b. 26 April 1911 d. 22 February 1944

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Walter Pasquini
birth: 21 November 1915
Oscar Pasquini
birth: 21 November 1915
Giorgio Pasquini
birth: 12 January 1920
Bagrat Prince Bagration-Mukhransky
birth: 12 June 1949
marriage: María del Carmen de Ulloa y Suelves
marriage: Françoise Cazaudehore , Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France
Nuria Llopis y Oliart
birth: 14 October 1953, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
marriage: George Bagration-Mukhransky , Madrid
George Bagration-Mukhransky
birth: 22 February 1944, Rom
marriage: María de las Mercedes de Zornoza y Ponce de León , Город Ніцца
marriage: Nuria Llopis y Oliart , Madrid
death: 16 January 2008, Tiflis

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